Since 1997 the world's only superpower United States of America has been brutally imposing various economic, financial, and trade sanctions against one of the world's poorest countries Burma in the name of human rights and democracy. The devastation and suffering in Burma is horror in a grand scale.
At the beginning I thought the Burmese exiles groups and ASSK were the only reasons US is actively engaging in a devastating cold-war against Burma as no one in his or her right mind would believe that the United States is simply acting for the moral principle of democracy and human rights.
U.S. often pointed out the heroin and other illicit drugs coming out of Burma as a reason for their sanctions. But thinking of it the heroin was basically introduced and produced large scale in the Golden Triangle by CIA and its mercenary armies (KMT, Laotians, and Shans) there to supply US troops during the Vietnam War in 1960s.
U.S. often pointed out the heroin and other illicit drugs coming out of Burma as a reason for their sanctions. But thinking of it the heroin was basically introduced and produced large scale in the Golden Triangle by CIA and its mercenary armies (KMT, Laotians, and Shans) there to supply US troops during the Vietnam War in 1960s.