
Sunday, February 4, 2018

World Hijab Day Protests: No Hair No Hijab In Iran

A Muslim student at the University of Central Florida tried to get a fellow student expelled for criticizing the activities of World Hijab Day on campus.

When Kathy Zhu noticed a “try on a hijab” booth on campus under the banners of “My hijab empowers me” and “My hijab is a symbol of understanding,” she took offense and snapped a picture of the booth.

Later, she posted the picture and tweeted, “There’s a ‘try a hijab on’ booth at my college campus. So you’re telling me that it’s now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?”

After news of the tweet got around, one of the Muslim students working in the booth, tried to start a movement to get Zhu expelled from the university. Zhu posted a video on Twitter explaining her actions, along with the following statement:

The university later released a statement that neither Zhu nor her detractor had violated any of the school’s rules of conduct.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic of Iran has seemingly marked world hijab day this year by arresting at least 29 women for refusing to wear it, reported Al Jazeera. World Hijab Day was marked on Thursday, February 1. The arrests were announced by the next day. (They didn’t dare to do it now because of recent protests but years back the Mad Ayatollahs raped and executed women and girls just for refusing to wear mandatory hijabs.)

Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, it has been mandatory for all women to cover their hair with a headscarf when outside the house. Large sections of the Iranian population are vehemently opposed to the law, which is enforced by morality police on the streets of Tehran and other major cities.

The recent and massive protests in Iran, which started due to economic hardships, broadened to include demonstrations against the oppressive sharia laws mandated by the regime.

Particularly, the protests gained steam after a video of a bare-headed woman standing on top of a utility box in Tehran waving her white hijab on a stick went viral. Many more women have staged similar protests, taking their hijabs off in the street or waving them on sticks and sharing the videos. The brave woman in the video, Vida Movahed, was arrested and held and tortured for weeks but was recently freed, reported CNN.

World Hijab Day was launched (by 35-yr-old Nazma Khan a Bangladeshi-immigrant woman now living in New York) on February 1, 2013, to invite non-Muslims to wear the hijab in solidarity with Muslims.
Bangladeshi-bitch Nazma Khan is using her freedom (given by American people) to oppress women
of America by urging them to wear a fucking hijab like her. Trump should send her back to Iran or
Pakistan or Bangladesh the SHITHOLE Muslim countries.
Promoters of the day have been criticized for failing to acknowledge the many women who are forced to wear hijabs in various Islamist regimes around the world. Iranian activist Masih Alinejad spoke to CBC News’ Carole MacNeil about the protests in Iran. Alinejad founded My Stealthy Freedom, a Facebook page which posts pictures of women removing their hijab.

On May 15, an Iranian woman posted a picture of herself on the My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page outside without a hijab, after she shaved her head. Given that she had no hair, she argued that the morality police could not arrest her for failing to cover it.

Iranian woman are legally obliged to abide by strict modesty codes, or face arrest and harassment by the morality police. “I sold my hair to support those adorable angels who suffer from cancer,” she wrote. “When I came to the street I told myself, ‘no hair, no morality police! There is no reason for those who always tell me to cover my hair or arrest me now'.”

But She was still arrested shortly afterwards. “The Iranian security forces have arrested on Monday, May 16, the Iranian woman under charges of violating sharia and public morals and is supposed to appear before the court in the next days or weeks,”  Kurdish reporter from Iran Samon Sardashti told Ara News. “This is not the first time that girls have been arrested for not honoring the laws covering the wearing of a hijab. Security forces are very aggressive in enforcing these laws.”

Iran is imposing restrictive laws about how women can dress and they are arresting everyone who doesn’t abide by these Sharia regulations. Iranian police did not accept her explanation that having no hair exempts her from the legal obligation to wear hijab. She was reportedly arrested along with 11 women arrested for similar offences.

Dressing Like Men: Other women have come up with another method of avoiding the morality police, disguising themselves as men. They posted pictures of their civil disobedience online, in particular the My Stealthy Freedom page.

One girl posted a picture of herself in men’s clothing and with short hair and the caption “I am an Iranian girl. In order to avoid the morality police, I decided to cut my hair short and wear men's clothes so that I can freely walk in the streets in Iran.”

My Stealthy Freedom is run by Masih Alinejad, an Iranian expatriate currently living in New York. It is a Facebook page on which Iranian women share pictures of themselves violating Iran’s hijab laws to fight against the discriminatory dress codes. It has nearly one million followers.

“Some girls in Iran would rather secretly dress as men to avoid the compulsory hijab and the morality police,” Alinejad said. “So that is why they make their hair short in order to look like a boy and dress like a boy.

“The Government wants to create fear but women have found their own way to freely walk in the streets of Iran or drive without covering their heads. It is a serious cultural war between two lifestyles. For women, their hair is their identity and making it short to just avoid the morality police is really heartbreaking, but in a way, it is brave.”

Another woman disguised herself as a boy in order to attend a soccer match and shared the video online.

Mad Ayatollahs will rape and hang any Iranian woman refusing to wear a mandatory-hijab.