
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mosque Route: New Muslim Invasion Of Austria

Austria’s Peter Webinger Warns that Migrants are Using a New ‘Mosque Route’. He is convinced that the rising number of ‘refugees‘ is leading to a “tense situation” , which will not develop as dramatically as the one in 2015, even though there exists a similar high potential in crisis regions. The “mosque route” , indeed.

An expert in the Austrian ministry, he sees the risk of large waves of immigrants next year, if the necessary preparations aren’t made. The increase in the number of migrants in 2014 led to the results we experienced in 2015., and that could happen in 2019., the Austrian media relate the words of Webinger.

The new Balkan route, goes through Albania, Montenegro or Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Experts on the ground are calling it the “mosque route”, since mosques all along the route offer assistance to refugees in their movement.

+144% Increase in illegal migration to Greece through the Agaean since 2017. 4000 Arrivals since the middle of may 2018 (755 in the whole of the last year). +380% (1500) More arrivals in Slovenia since the middle of May compared to 2017.

These numbers are quite small compared to the hundreds of thousands that passed through the so-called Balkan Route in 2015, still, there is fear that a new route may be used by migrants trying to reach Western Europe through Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia.

By the end of May, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania registered more than 6,700 new migrants and asylum seekers, more than a two-fold increase compared to some 2,600 migrants and asylum seekers registered in these countries in the whole of 2017.

Austrian media indicate that series of video recordings exist on the internet which describe in detail, and in Arabic,  the route through the region toward the EU. Webinger considers Austria well prepared this time for waves of migration. He indicates that, those who want freedom of movement inside the Schengen, must support stronger border protection.