
Friday, July 26, 2024

Lashio City Liberated: Ya-Ma-Kha Command Destroyed

         (Based on the staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA on 26 July 2024.)

MNDAA the Kokang Army has taken the Shan-North Capital City “Lashio” and formed a City Administration Commission and stated the administration and reconstruction of the City on July-25.

On the morning of July-25 the Myanmar Army’s North-Eastern Regional Military Command (Ya-Ma-Kha) suddenly collapsed into the hands of advancing Kokang Army troops. Thus it took only 24 days for more than 20,000 strong Kokang Army, with massive Chinese strategic, tactical, and manpower support, to capture the well-defended fortified City.

The occasion is a historical event for an ethnic army to capture a Regional-Military-Command of Myanmar Army since the independence of Burma from the British Colonial Power in January-1948.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Project 2025: Battle Plan for Trump Dictatorship?

                       (The staff article from The ABC NEWS AUSTRALIA on 16 July 2024.)

The plan for power: He survived an assassination attempt. He’s as defiant and determined as ever. And if Donald Trump is returned to power by American voters this November he’ll have an “army” at his disposal — at least 10,000 people, recruited to help implement his controversial agenda.

The director of a network of conservative groups, Paul Dans, has told Four Corners his organisation Project 2025 has prepared a detailed “battle plan” and has the people trained and ready to execute it.

It would see the president’s power expanded like never before and allow him to target the so-called “deep state” — in Trump’s telling, the ruling class of faceless civil servants that thwarted his first term agenda.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RubyLand Liberated: Moegoke Folks Welcoming TNLA

         (Based on Staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 25 July 2024.)

Burma’s famous RubyLand, the town called MoeGoke, has been liberated by TNLA the Plaung Army from the infamous Myanmar Army bastards on July-24. The TNLA offensive, as a part of Operation-1027(Part-2), on MoeGoke Town started on June-25.

All the Myanmar Army’s fortified bases at Daw-Nan-Kyi Hill, Tactical-Command Hill, Shwe-Thar-Yar Hill, Pan-Tha-Byay Hill, and Phyu-Yaung Hill were captured by TNLA on June-26. Other Myanma Army bases at Aung-Thar-Yar Hill and Ar-Kar-Moe Hill were captured o On June-27 the next day.

By June-30 the Moegoke-West was liberated whole by TNLA militarily as the Myanmar Army has completely disappeared from that part of town and the TNLA started the offensive on the MoeGoke-East, which was seven miles apart from the MoeGoke-West, on June-30.

Trump Vs Kamala: The Border & The Battleground

            (Mark Wallacy’s artice from The ABC NEWS AUSTRALIA on 24 July 2024)

The border and the battleground: At the end of Trump’s unfinished border wall, America’s divisions over immigration are laid bare.

Jim Chilton doesn’t look like someone who could stand up to the blood-soaked brutality of the notorious Mexican drug cartels. He’s 85, and there’s only one of him. All he’s packing is an old bolt-action rifle and a handgun. But the veteran cattle rancher has plenty of Arizona grit.

“I’m a cowboy, not a wimp,” Jim says. “It’s outrageous to have foreigners sitting on your mountains, on your ranch. It’s just outrageous.” The cartels come and go on Jim’s southern Arizona ranch like they own the place. It’s not just drugs — heroin, cocaine, marijuana and fentanyl — that they’re bringing through the Arizona border. Now one of their most lucrative businesses is human beings.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Battle for Mandalay: China Orders 4-Days Pause of War?

             (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on27 June 2024.)

Embattled Myanmar Army is preparing for the coming assaults on Mandalay, the fabled old royal capital of Kingdom of Burma, from the combined troops of NUG’s Mdy-PDF, TNLA the Palaung Army, and MNDAA the Kokang Army.

On the Mandalay Hill, tops of many multistoried hotels, and at the Mand-plaza, the heavily-armed troops have taken positions to defend Mandalay as the approaching rebelling forces are inching towards the second-largest city of Burma.

After capturing the nearby Mattayar Town at only 15 short miles from the City of Mandalay the Mdy-PDF forces are already at the outskirts of Mandalay. And very soon, the TNLA’s Plaungs will arrive with their Chinese-made 107mm Shock-Rockets and start shelling indiscriminately at the city like they have been doing at another besieged-city, Lashio in Shan-North.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

How the Myanmar regime is surviving?

          (David Scott Mathieson’s article from The LOWY INSTITUTE on 03 April 2024.)

Despite some major wins by insurgent groups, the junta remains strong due to its control of arms and air power.

Myanmar’s gruelling civil war grinds on as euphoria over the stunning surprise offensive launched by opposition forces in October 2023 (Operation 1027) gives way to alarm at the State Administration Council's (SAC) imposition of a military service law could lead to widespread forced recruitment.

The SAC has so far managed to cling to power, even as it loses territory, bases and soldiers in battles with multiple armed opponents in the borderlands and increasingly on the plains of Rakhine, Karen, Karenni, Shan and Kachin states.

Ex-President Thein Sein in China: Then VSG Soe Win?

             (Leong Wai Kit’s artice from Channel News Asia (CNA) on 10 July 2024)

Myanmar’s ex-president visited China, followed by its junta No 2. What’s the play? Myanmar correspondent Leong Wai Kit unpacks recent trips to China by Thein Sein and Soe Win, and what both countries want from each other.

CNA Explains: Myanmar’s ex-president visited China, followed by its junta No 2. What’s the play? Beijing has been regularly inviting Myanmar’s junta-appointed ministers to China on various official visits.

But it was a late June visit by ex-president Thein Sein that sparked international headlines. And just over a week later, the Myanmar military leadership’s No 2 man Soe Win made an official trip to attend a forum in Qingdao in Shandong province. This made him the highest-ranking military leader to visit China in an official capacity since the 2021 coup.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Tobacco Wars in Australia: B$ Cigarettes Black Market

            (Based on staff articles from The ABC NEWS and The SQUIZ in July-2024.)

Here in our Lucky-Australia, a pack of legal Cigrattes costs A$50 (for a Winfield-Blue-25 pack) at any Tobaccon shop, but anyone can buy a smuggled Winfield-Blue-25 pack for as low as A$15 (under-the-counter) from the same bloody shop.

To force the Australians stop smoking cigaettes the Australian Federal Government jacked-up the cigarettes-taxes which causes the cigaettes prices go-up so high; eventually an enormous black market of smuggled cigaettes has developed; thus creating the organized-criminal-gangs and their deadly turf wars; exactly like what did happen in the US with the Alcohol Prohibition in the whole 1920s and early 1930s.

Tobacco stores in Melbourne had been the targets of arson attacks early morning on July-7 this year. There have been more than 60 fires in stores, restaurants, and reception centres linked to the illegal tobacco wars between bikie and organised crime gangs in Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Sydney just in the month of June this year alone.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Thandwe Is Kaput: AA Finished LID-101, Killed 4,000+

       (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 07 July 2024.)

Arakan Army (AA) has basically annihilated all ten infantry battalions of Myanmar Army’s LID-101 and captured the Gateway-to-Arakan, Thandwe Town, according to the AA news-release on July-7, just yesterday.

The Pakhokeku-based Light-Infantry-Division LID-101 had IB-251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, and 235 all there in Thandwe, but all those infantry battalions have been demolished and more than 4,000 Myanmar soldiers were killed in the intense battle to capture Thandwe, the Gateway to the famous Ngapali Beach.

Thandwe International Airport has also been taken by AA, despite the coastal-bombardment of five warrships from Myanmar Navy; and despite the Myanmar Army sending in more than twenty infantry battalions to defend Thandwe Town and the Airport.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Lashio Folks Fleeing The War-ravaged City!

              (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 06 July 2024.)

Symbol of Chinese Power in Myanmar.
Two of three Northern-Alliance armies, MNDAA the Kokang Amy and TNLA the Palaung Amy have simultaneously assaulted the Shan-Noth’s Capital City Lashio where the Myanmar Army North-Easten Divisional Command (Ya-Ma-Kha) situated.

The massive assaults started on July-2 night since then four major Myanmar Army bases have fallen into the resistance hands. All four bases are ony about ten miles from Lashio. Maingtin on the Lashio-Maingyaw Road, Mansan-yaykya on Lashio-Thibaw Road, Nantpaung on the Lashio-Maingyae Road,  and Nyaungkone on the Lashio-Namtu Road,  

The relentless assaults started simultaneously at 23:00-hour and involved thousands and thousands of rebel troops. Every battlefield in Shan-North and few others in Mandalay Division are now filled with many tens of thousands of Palaung ethnic rebels in barand-new TNLA uniforms.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mandalay PDF Captured Sint-gu Township?

               (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 03 July 2024.)

Operation-1027(Part-2) or the new Shan-Man Operation has now claimed second crucial township right next to the Mattayar Town. The heavily-populated Burmese township of Sint-gu.

After the NUG has declared the Shan-Man Operation on June-27 the following PDF battalions [Battalions 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, & 513 under Mogoke Tactical Command (Byu-har) of Mandalay PDF] immediately went into action and within a week first Mattayar and now Sintgu townships have been captured by the resistance forces.

Despite the heavy bombing and straffing contantly from the Myanmar Air Force planes the MDY-PDF forces have captured all Myanmar Army bases in the region and terminated the government administration there. Most of the Sintgu-Thabeikkyin region is a well-known and productive gold-mining area populated mostly by the Burmese gold prospectors moving up from the lowlands.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What has the Nobel Prize in Physics ever done for me?

           (Karen Livesey’s article from The ABC NEWS AUS on 04 October 2023.)

Sometimes, however, physics research does have a practical goal all along. One such example is the quest for energy-efficient lighting.

Old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are highly inefficient. Because they work by heating a wire until it glows, they waste a lot of energy as heat. In fact, less than 10 per cent of the energy they consume goes to producing light.

In the 1980s, scientists realised light emitting diodes, or LEDs — small electronic components that emit light of a specific colour — would make more efficient light sources. But there was a problem. Although red and green LEDs had been developed in the middle of the twentieth century, nobody knew how to make a blue LED.

Mattayar Has Fallen: Will Mandalay Be Next?

             (Based on staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA in 01-03 July 2024.)

Burma’s opposition NUG (National Unity Government) is able to claim the capture of Mattaya (Madaya) just 20-miles-north of famous old royal capital city Mandalay on July-2. NUG’s Mandalay PDF has basically wiped-out all Myanmar Army bases in Mattayar Township.

Most significant of all captured bases is the Air Defense Battalion-1014 situated at the Ingyinmyaing Village near the Town of Mattayar. Two massive air-defense guns from the captured Army Base will add to the impressive stockpile of heavy weaponery now in the hands of Mandalay PDF.

One of the strongest and largest Burmese PDFs, the heavily-armed and well-trained MDY-PDF has been participating in the Operation-1027(Part-2) led by TNLA the Palaung Army since June-25. While TNLA with some MDY-PDF units have been attacking the Naungcho and Kyaukme Towns in Shan-North and the Moegoke Town in Mandaly Division, most of the MDY-PDF is smashing Myamar Army bases in Mattayar Township right next to the Mandalay City.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Operation-1027 (Part-2) Begins!

              (Based on staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA in 29-30 June 2024.)

Much anticipated Part-2 of hugely successful Operation-1027 by the Northern-Alliance armies (AA the Arakan Army, TNLA the Palaung Army, and MNDAA the Kokang Army) has begun on June-25 with simultaneous and relentless assaults on the major towns of Naungcho and Kyaukme in Northern Shan State of Burma.

Altogether five Shan-North towwnships namely, Naungcho-Kyaukme-Thibaw-Moegoke-Moemate Towwnships, are now under orchestrated attacks from principally the TNLA forces together with Mandalay and Mattayar PDF forces under NUG, since June-25.

The significant difference of this 1027(Part-2) from the 1027(Part-1) is, this time the Palaung Army TNLA is the leading army intead of MNDAA the Kokang Army last time. Also the public acknowledgment of the participation of NUG-controlled PDF armies from the Middle Burma.