Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mandalay PDF Captured Sint-gu Township?

               (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 03 July 2024.)

Operation-1027(Part-2) or the new Shan-Man Operation has now claimed second crucial township right next to the Mattayar Town. The heavily-populated Burmese township of Sint-gu.

After the NUG has declared the Shan-Man Operation on June-27 the following PDF battalions [Battalions 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, & 513 under Mogoke Tactical Command (Byu-har) of Mandalay PDF] immediately went into action and within a week first Mattayar and now Sintgu townships have been captured by the resistance forces.

Despite the heavy bombing and straffing contantly from the Myanmar Air Force planes the MDY-PDF forces have captured all Myanmar Army bases in the region and terminated the government administration there. Most of the Sintgu-Thabeikkyin region is a well-known and productive gold-mining area populated mostly by the Burmese gold prospectors moving up from the lowlands.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What has the Nobel Prize in Physics ever done for me?

           (Karen Livesey’s article from The ABC NEWS AUS on 04 October 2023.)

Sometimes, however, physics research does have a practical goal all along. One such example is the quest for energy-efficient lighting.

Old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are highly inefficient. Because they work by heating a wire until it glows, they waste a lot of energy as heat. In fact, less than 10 per cent of the energy they consume goes to producing light.

In the 1980s, scientists realised light emitting diodes, or LEDs — small electronic components that emit light of a specific colour — would make more efficient light sources. But there was a problem. Although red and green LEDs had been developed in the middle of the twentieth century, nobody knew how to make a blue LED.

Mattayar Has Fallen: Will Mandalay Be Next?

             (Based on staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA in 01-03 July 2024.)

Burma’s opposition NUG (National Unity Government) is able to claim the capture of Mattaya (Madaya) just 20-miles-north of famous old royal capital city Mandalay on July-2. NUG’s Mandalay PDF has basically wiped-out all Myanmar Army bases in Mattayar Township.

Most significant of all captured bases is the Air Defense Battalion-1014 situated at the Ingyinmyaing Village near the Town of Mattayar. Two massive air-defense guns from the captured Army Base will add to the impressive stockpile of heavy weaponery now in the hands of Mandalay PDF.

One of the strongest and largest Burmese PDFs, the heavily-armed and well-trained MDY-PDF has been participating in the Operation-1027(Part-2) led by TNLA the Palaung Army since June-25. While TNLA with some MDY-PDF units have been attacking the Naungcho and Kyaukme Towns in Shan-North and the Moegoke Town in Mandaly Division, most of the MDY-PDF is smashing Myamar Army bases in Mattayar Township right next to the Mandalay City.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Operation-1027 (Part-2) Begins!

              (Based on staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA in 29-30 June 2024.)

Much anticipated Part-2 of hugely successful Operation-1027 by the Northern-Alliance armies (AA the Arakan Army, TNLA the Palaung Army, and MNDAA the Kokang Army) has begun on June-25 with simultaneous and relentless assaults on the major towns of Naungcho and Kyaukme in Northern Shan State of Burma.

Altogether five Shan-North towwnships namely, Naungcho-Kyaukme-Thibaw-Moegoke-Moemate Towwnships, are now under orchestrated attacks from principally the TNLA forces together with Mandalay and Mattayar PDF forces under NUG, since June-25.

The significant difference of this 1027(Part-2) from the 1027(Part-1) is, this time the Palaung Army TNLA is the leading army intead of MNDAA the Kokang Army last time. Also the public acknowledgment of the participation of NUG-controlled PDF armies from the Middle Burma.