Friday, July 26, 2024

Lashio City Liberated: Ya-Ma-Kha Command Destroyed

         (Based on the staff articles from The KHIT THIT MEDIA on 26 July 2024.)

MNDAA the Kokang Army has taken the Shan-North Capital City “Lashio” and formed a City Administration Commission and stated the administration and reconstruction of the City on July-25.

On the morning of July-25 the Myanmar Army’s North-Eastern Regional Military Command (Ya-Ma-Kha) suddenly collapsed into the hands of advancing Kokang Army troops. Thus it took only 24 days for more than 20,000 strong Kokang Army, with massive Chinese strategic, tactical, and manpower support, to capture the well-defended fortified City.

The occasion is a historical event for an ethnic army to capture a Regional-Military-Command of Myanmar Army since the independence of Burma from the British Colonial Power in January-1948.

It basically means that the whole of Shan North and Kachin State (i.e. the Northern-most part of Burma except the underseiged Kachin-State’s Capital Myitkyinar) is now in the hands of Northern Alliance of three ethnic armies: KIA the Kachin Army, MNDAA the Kokang Army, and TNLA the Palaung Army.

Welcome to the future Federated States of Union of Burma, BRAVO & GOOD LUCK, we Burmese really need a-lot-of good luck!