
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Constitutional Tribunal Has Resigned!

State-owned television station (Myanmar Radio and Television) aired the President Office announcement made on today Sept 6 that the Constitutional Tribunal chairman and his team have been allowed to resign from their posts. The crew has total of 9 members including the chairman. They are,

1. U Thein Soe (Chairman)
2. Dr.Tin Maung Aye (Member)
3. Daw Khin Hla Myint (Member)
4. U Tun Kyi (Member)
5. U Soe Thein (Member)
6. U Khin Tun (Member)
7. U San Myint (Member)
8. U Myint Kyaing (Member)
9. Daw Mi Mi Yi (Member) ember)
5. U Soe Thein (Member)
6. U Khin Tun (Member)
7. U San Myint (Member)
8. U Myint Kyaing (Member)
9. Daw Mi Mi Yi (Member)

Parliament has won and the President and the Army Chief has lost this first round of bitter constitutional fight. Those nine judges who lost their jobs are just the sacrificial lambs at the altar of democracy. Finally our Burma has a sort of democracy.
Presidential decree allowing all 9 constitution-tribunal judges to resign.