
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Retired General Than Shwe is Doing Very Well!

Retired Senior General Than Shwe, the Ex-dictator
(or) the father of Burma's semi-democracy?
The religious ceremony replacing the old golden-umbrella of relatively tiny Maha-Yangon miniature pagoda, inside the Buddha-Wihaya Glass Hall of Seik-kan-thar temple on Upper-Strand Street in Rangoon’s Kyauk-ta-dar township, with new golden one was completed on September 30.

And the ceremony was attended by the children and the grandchildren of retired-senior-general Than Shwe as the pagoda itself was donated and sponsored in mid 2000s by the Senior General himself while he was still the all-powerful dictator of Burma.

SG Than Shwe’s son Kyaing Than Shwe, the daughters Khin Pyone Shwe and Thandar Shwe, and the grandson Phoe La Byae were at the ceremony.

And following was part of the conversation our reporter had with SG Than Shwe’s eldest daughter Khin Pyone Shwe at the temple just after the ceremony. He was basically asking her about the rumors of Seneioe General’s near-death ill health.

“Our father is nowadays very healthy. He is even healthier than us children,” stated happily Khin Pyone Shwe.

“What we heard was all those rumours that he was bed-ridden and having serious medical treatment,” asked eagerly our reporter.

“No, our father is very well. Those rumours about his ill health are not true at all,” replied kindly Khin Pyone Shwe. 

Related posts at following links:
General Than Shwe: Old soldier fading away