
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Janelle Saffin Defeated In Australian General Elections

Janell Saffin has just lost her seat
in Australian Parliament.
Kevin Hogan wins the seat of Page formerly held by Janelle Saffin the chief Australian Socialist meddler in Burma’s political affairs. Kevin Hogan and his family are now celebrating his appointment to sitting member for the federal seat of Page.

(Followings are the live updates of vote counting for the electoral seat of Page in the state of New South Wales for the 2013 September General Elections in Australia.)

UPDATE 10:27: Kevin Hogan has comfortably taken hold of the federal seat of Page. At last count, Mr Hogan had defeated Janelle Saffin by 6,053 votes with a swing of 6.85% for Nationals.

Greens candidate for Page Desley Banks managed to wrangle just 6.26% of the vote. While the Palmer United Party gained 4.82%. The Christian Democratic Party trailed behind with just 1.62% of the votes in Page.

UPDATE 9:00PM: Second time lucky member for Page, Kevin Hogan makes a victory speech to his cheering supporters saying his family are a "tighter" unit as a result of the campaigning.

Mr Hogan said there is a lot of work to do in Page but he will begin tomorrow. "I know there are a lot of families out there who are struggling and the work starts tomorrow to help them," Mr Hogan said.

Member for Clarence Chris Gulaptis said the "nation would be better for Kevin [and his election to member for Page]".

Newly-elected National Party MP Kevin Hogan.
UPDATE: 8:45PM: 
Janelle Saffin has made a phone call to Kevin Hogan conceding defeat in the federal seat of Page after Hogan surges ahead of Saffin by 5,144 votes. These figures remain preliminary as 95% of votes have been counted.

UPDATE 8:00PM: Over at Janelle Saffin's election night bash the mood is a bit more reserved. One supporter noted she was feeling "depressed" by the figures that were coming in.

However, the sitting member is flitting around in a pair of sneakers greeting her supporters with considerable grace in the face of defeat. Ms Saffin said she was feeling "philosophical about the whole thing" and while it could still be "too early to tell" it looked like there was a "big swing toward the Nationals".

Lismore City Mayor Jenny Dowell said the notion of Page being a bellwether seat was all but gone during this election as the results coming in were "very patchy". The member of the Labor party and Saffin supporter said she had two positions when it came to the federal election.

"I'm a member of the Labor party, but also as Mayor of Lismore I'll work with whoever forms government," Cr Dowell said.

UPDATE 6:50PM: The mood is jovial at Nationals candiate Kevin Hogan HQ. And unsurprisingly, as preliminary results show a 7.17% swing against Ms Saffin in the seat with Mr Hogan ahead after 6,159 votes have been counted on the Nationals side. Mr Hogan said he was "nervous" as he sat tensely watching the figures on the pub TV.

Janelle Saffin and Burma's NLD MPs in Canberra.
(Her meddling days in Burma's politics are over!)
GOOD evening and welcome to our live federal election coverage in the seat of Page. Alex Utting will be covering all the action as it happens. Polling booths have not long closed and preliminary results will start rolling in shortly. Nationally, the latest Roy Morgan exit poll shows the Coalition ahead of Labor, 52% to 48% on a two party preferred basis.

6:00PM: YOU can follow tonight's election in Page live, right here. Northern Star reporter Alex Utting is reporting live from Janelle Saffin and Kevin Hogan's election parties, passing on booth updates on Twitter and posting broader updates within this story. Just hit your "refresh" button to view the latest update.

You can also follow the happenings in the seat of Richmond on The Northern Star's website courtesy of MyDailyNews report Emma Gaillot, who is working up on the Tweed, while APN News and Media will provide updates from across the North Coast, Queensland, and from the party leaders across the night.

(Blogger's Notes:  Old lesbian Janelle Saffin the so-called Chairman of Australia-Myanmar Parliamentary Committee has been actively meddling in Burma's political affairs for a while now. And this defeat and losing her electoral seat do mean that she is no longer an Australian MP and thus she has lost her legitimate platform to stage her socialist assaults on Burmese nationalist politicians. Thanks God for that!)

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