
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Muslim-Patrols Enforcing Sharia Law In East-London

Muslim-patrols leader Choudary and his thug Horner.
An enforcer for hate preacher Anjem Choudary yesterday admitted joining a ‘Muslim Patrol’ which threatened to enforce sharia law. Jordan Horner, 19, was a leading member of a vigilante mob that roamed London’s East End attacking non-Muslims in a campaign against Western culture.

The gang threatened to ‘kill non-believers’ and ‘shank’ or stab them and uploaded videos to YouTube criticising people’s appearance. The ginger-haired convert, who uses the name Jamaal Uddin, admitted assaulting two men during one confrontation.

During a hearing at the Old Bailey, he also pleaded guilty to two public order offences via video link from high security Belmarsh Prison. Horner is a close associate of Choudary and was arrested outside his home earlier this year for assaulting a photographer.

The outspoken thug has boasted that one of his heroes is Osama bin Laden and said British soldiers will burn in hell. He was held as part of a highly sensitive Met investigation into the self-titled Muslim Patrol, that operated in the Tower Hamlets area of East London.

The intimidating mob was seen walking the streets in the early hours of the morning last December and January. One morning, Horner and others snatched cans of beers from a group of five men before emptying them in the gutter.

They shouted: ‘Why are you poisoning your body? It is against Islam. This is Muslim Patrol. Kill the non believers.’

Muslim-thug Jordan Horner enforcing Sharia Zone.
One then told another to ‘go get the shank’, meaning a knife, but as the men started to walk away, Horner threw several punches, hitting one on the jaw. At an earlier hearing a prosecutor said: ‘The victims describe the main aggressor as being ginger with a ginger beard.’

Horner also admitted threatening two couples and a man in the capital in December and January. The ‘Muslim Patrol’ sparked huge controversy when it posted a series of videos on YouTube, including one called ‘The Truth About Saturday Night’.

In them they confronted members of the public, demanding they give up alcohol and that women cover themselves in a ‘Muslim area’. The hooded men filmed themselves calling white women ‘naked animals with no self-respect’ and labelled alcohol ‘evil’ as they stole it from revellers.

In one bizarre exchange they filmed an injured cyclist being treated after a road accident and claimed he was hurt because he was unclean. One said, ‘We don’t care if you are appalled at all,’ before calling themselves ‘vigilantes implementing Islam upon your own necks.’

In another clip, the group protested against adverts for push-up bras by High Street retailer H&M, pouring petrol over one and setting it alight. They said: ‘The Muslims have taken it upon themselves to command the good and forbid the evil and cover up these naked people.’

Horner was a troubled youth who became an enforcer for Choudary when he converted to Islam after being approached outside a pub. He has said: ‘People need to realise sharia law is coming. What better person to spread the message than one whose life was once so corrupted?’

Muslim Patrol on streets of Muslim-controlled East London.
In July, he was jailed for six weeks for beating up a photographer and causing £3,000 of damage to a car in an attack outside Choudary’s home. Horner told his victim that he could be killed like soldier Lee Rigby, who was almost decapitated outside his barracks in Woolwich, South-East London.

The photographer said Horner shouted ‘you’re scum, brother’, adding: ‘You should be careful. What happened to the boy soldier could happen to you.’ Horner, of Walthamstow, East London, appeared at the Old Bailey alongside Ricardo McFarlane and a 23-year-old man who cannot be named for legal reasons.

He will be sentenced after they go on trial next month accused of also taking part in the attack, and other offences.
The extremist-controlled East London Mosque.
                                                    (Muslim Patrols of East-London - I)

(Muslim Patrols of East-London - II)