
Thursday, September 4, 2014

President Thein Sein In Germany For European Visit

(Press releases direct from direct from the Office of the President of Myanmar.)

Nay Pyi Taw, 1 Sept: President U Thein Sein and party left Nay Pyi Taw at 5 p.m. on Monday to pay official visits  to  Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The President and party were seen off at Nay Pyi Taw Airport by Vice Presidents Dr Sai Mauk Kham and U Nyan Tun, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, union ministers, senior military  officers,  deputy  ministers and officials.

The president was accompanied by union ministers U Wunna Maung Lwin, U Ye Htut, U Soe Thane, U Ohn Myint, U Nyan Tun Aung and U Khin Maung Soe, deputy ministers Dr Win Myint and U Than Swe and officials.

President U Thein Sein paid visits to Norway, Finland, Austria, Belgium and Italy from 25 February to 8 March in 2013 and Britain and France from 14 to 20 July 2013.

Myanmar President pays friendly visit to Germany

Frankfurt, 2 Sept: President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein arrived at the Changi International Airport in Singapore on 1 September, where he was welcomed by officials of Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomats of the Myanmar’s embassy, sources said.

President U Thein Sein and his delegation left Singapore for Germany, arriving at the Frankfurt International Airport on 2 September.

On arrival, the Myanmar president was welcomed by the German ambassador to Myanmar, diplomats, and the Myanmar ambassador to Germany. President U Thein Sein and his delegation left for the Frankfurter Hof Hotel, where the Myanmar delegation will stay.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Honoured President Thein Sein

Nay Pyi Taw, 3 Sept: President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein attended the ceremony held in honour of him by German Chancellor Angela Merkel at 11 45 local time in Berlin on Wednesday.

When President U Thein Sein arrived at the ceremony, Chancellor Angela Merkel greeted him warmly before President U Thein Sein received the salute of and inspected the guards of honour. Then, President U Thein Sein attended the working luncheon hosted by  the chancellor. After the luncheon, President U Thein Sein and Chancellor Angela Merkel held a joint press conference.

At the press conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel said she welcomed the friendly visit of the Myanmar president and they had discussed the developments of Myanmar. Then she said she recognized Myanmar’s rotational chair of the ASEAN and expressed her support for reform in Myanmar.

In addition, she added that Myanmar Gothe Institute has been opened in Yangon and cultural cooperation programmes have been implemented. She said they had held discussions about assistance for economic development and investment.

She continued to say that she supported the all-inclusive peace-building efforts and promised to encourage development and freedom in Myanmar. In conclusion she said that she was glad to have the opportunity to cooperate with Myanmar and thanked President U Thein Sein for his visit to Germany.

In her response to questions raised the media, she said that she and Myanmar president had discussed a number of issues including constitutional amendment, inclusiveness in the political process, tax reform and that she had urged Myanmar to sign international conventions.

At the press conference, President U Thein Sein gave following speech;

“I am delighted to meet press this morning. At the invitation of German Government, I am coming here as  first  ever Head of State of Myanmar in the past 20 years. Myanmar-German relations was initiated in the 19th century with close contact.

At the early of the 20th century, German companies like Siemens were in Yangon. German Chamber of Commerce and even German Club were also there. What we need to do now is not to start the new relations, but to strengthen and enhance the traditional existing relations. Therefore, the prime purpose of my visit today is to enhance our friendly relations.

We not only regard Germany as a true friend, but also expect to become a business partner as well as a main investor in Myanmar. There are many things we have to learn from Germany, Federal Government System, efficient  urban development, business attitude, emphasis on research, quality manufacturing, traditional good education, disciplines and industriousness.

Now we are receiving more and more foreign investment in industry and tourisms sectors. At this moment, I really invite Germany to come for mutual development. What we utmost need now is a kind of investment which could bring us good job opportunities and accompanying skill and technology. I would like to have Germany’s cooperation with Myanmar entrepreneurs in this field, especially for the development of the small and medium enterprises.

To have a better economic development, we have to create job opportunities for our citizens. I mean we have to create many job opportunities for unskilled and semi-skilled labourers from rural areas who are going to take part in urbanization. Myanmar wants Germany to prioritize its investment not necessarily in extractive industry alone, but primarily in manufacturing sector which encourage job opportunities for local people.

The success of our right path of reform to democracy and peace-building process also depends also on our ability to attract foreign investment. We have to learn from German companies. Now we are making effort to reform the whole education system in Myanmar. What we urgently need is short term and long term trainings for professional and skilled labourers to facilitate them for immediate engagement with internationals.

I expect that Germany has capacity and willingness to assist in this  field.  Over  the  three years of reform process, there were success as well as challenges. However, we could manage to tackle. Myanmar’s reform took place as the same time with Arab Spring.

As you all are well aware that we had no blood shedding and no fighting for  destruction  of the country in Myanmar. On behalf of the people of Myanmar, I would like express here my gratitude for the support and cooperation assistance of Germany government as well as private and political institutes. Thank you.”

President U Thein Sein met the Chairman of Deutsche Bank and German Asia  Pacific  Business Organization (OAV) in Frankfurt of Germany to discuss bilateral cooperation in production of foodstuff and promotion of tourism industry as well as environmental conservation.

At Tuesday meeting, they also discussed political and economic reform process of Myanmar and business opportunities for German businesspersons to take part in the country’s reforms, further cooperation in meat and breeding sector, renewable energy, small and medium industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing and establishing vocational training institutes.

The President replied the queries on construction of fertilizer plant as well as sectors  of  financial,  hotel and aviation raised by the OAV Chairman who hosted a luncheon to the President and party. During his tour in Berlin, President U Thein Sein heard the report on rail transportation system of Germany by Mr. Simon Giovanazzi, Executive Director of DB BAHN.