
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RubyLand Liberated: Moegoke Folks Welcoming TNLA

         (Based on Staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 25 July 2024.)

Burma’s famous RubyLand, the town called MoeGoke, has been liberated by TNLA the Plaung Army from the infamous Myanmar Army bastards on July-24. The TNLA offensive, as a part of Operation-1027(Part-2), on MoeGoke Town started on June-25.

All the Myanmar Army’s fortified bases at Daw-Nan-Kyi Hill, Tactical-Command Hill, Shwe-Thar-Yar Hill, Pan-Tha-Byay Hill, and Phyu-Yaung Hill were captured by TNLA on June-26. Other Myanma Army bases at Aung-Thar-Yar Hill and Ar-Kar-Moe Hill were captured o On June-27 the next day.

By June-30 the Moegoke-West was liberated whole by TNLA militarily as the Myanmar Army has completely disappeared from that part of town and the TNLA started the offensive on the MoeGoke-East, which was seven miles apart from the MoeGoke-West, on June-30.

By July-24 all the Myanma Army’s bases at Tactical-Command Hill, Ah-paw Police Station, Prison Camp, Surround-Town Camp, Le-Oo Hill, Aye-Zaydi Hill, Kyauk-Thinbaw Hill, Ruby-Pagoda Hill, Chan-Myae-Thar-Yar Hill, Kachin-Panma Hill, and Ba-Moon Village. It thus took TNLA only a month from June-25 to July-24 to liberated the whole MoeGoke Town garrisoned by thousands and thousands of Myanmar Army troops.

In MoeGoke the locals need a special permission from the Myanmr Army to dig anywhere, even including toilet-holes, since the extremely-valuable rubys are everywhere and anywhere in the ground and some just a few feets below the earth surface. To guard those rubys is the only reason Myanmar dictators have always stationed thousands of armed-troops there.

Now the hated Myanmar soldiers and police are gone and the people can dig rubys anywhere they want and enjoy their rich natural resources right under their feet, bravo, and welcome the freedom to dig.

Once the local peope of MoeGoke realized their town was liberated they all came out in droves and joyfully welcomed the TNLA troops entering the town despite the mortal dangers of being bombed to smithereens by Myanmar Airforce bastards. Like what they did to Laukai City after MNDAA the Kokang Army has liberated their own city. 

That universally-hated practice of Myanmar Airforce bombing the towns liberated by the victorious resistance forces very soon after the Myanmar Army’s defeats is condemned worldwide including the United Nations (UN) at the New York City.

In the meanwhile, before the Russian bombers and Chinese jetfighters come to bomb and machine-gun them from the air above, the liberated folks of MoeGoke are happily and joyously welcoming their liberators TNLA the Palaung Army into their town famously known all over the world as the RUBYLAND.