
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Burmese Are Chindians: Nehru’s .303s To Xi’s Type-81s

CHINDIAN is the popular term used for mixed-race children of the Indian-Chinese couples in Australia, the rich-nation well acknowledged globally as the most successfull multi-cultural and multi-racial society on the planet. In Malaysia and Singapore nowadays the Chindians are so numerous that they are to become an official race group like Chinese and Malays and Indians there as Singapore already has officialized the Eurasians.

In modern Australia the Indian and Chinese migrants are noticeably more numerous than any other migrants from any other nations. That fact is absolutely undeniable as both India and China are the most populous nations on Earth and both countries are so close to Australia. Both have more than 1.4 billion human population each, and given a chance they will mate and cross-breed like rabbits.

And when the immigrants from the Oppressive-Communist-China and the Class-Restricted-Hindu-India landed in easy-going and free-wheeling democratic nation like Australia and are given the chance to mingle freely they tend to cros-breed easily. And the visible result is the new race of Chindians all over the places especially in Sydney and Melbourne.

Just go visit any local Public School there (for some unknown reasons the State-run Primary Schools are called Public Schools in Australia) you will notice a significant number of young Chindian kids among the majority white kids and other Asian kids.

One standout fact is most Indian-Chinese couples are Indian-male-Chinese-female couples. Hard to find Chinese-male-Indian-female couples in both Sydney and Melbourne. Seems like brown-skinned-Indian males like fair-skinned-Chinese females and vice-versa. Like   the Eurasian couples, White-male-Asian-Female couples are more common than rare Asian-male-White-female couples. Maybe some thing to do with Indians looking down on the Chinese and the Whites looking down on the Asians.

The marketing types knew that fact well before the general populace started noticing and nowadays many TV and Billboard commercials portray Indian-Male-Chines-Female couples to particulary target that significant newly-emerging market segment and also to portray the company being advertised as modern/liberal/advanced and racially-tolerant company.

Are Burmese Chindians Too?

Our Burma shares long borderlines with India on the West (1,643 km) and China on the East (1,358 km). Burma basically is a very new land (ever expanding towards South) formed by the river systems originated in the highlands of both India and China at the North.

The whole Irrawaddy Delta was recently-formed land as the Andaman-sea rapidly retreated by tons and tons of Irrawaddy-river-silts being dumped and accumulated all those thousands of years and still going on. For example the Andaman Sea retreated so much that PEGU, now well inland was a major sea port just recently in 1500s, is now found itself at nearly 150 km from the current seaport Thilawar near Rangoon.

And apparently millions of people from both India and China have migrated to seemingly empty Burma over the years. Indians by the sea-routes mainly and Chinese by the land-routes via the mountain passes at Eastern Ranges, and they met in the middle and mingled and mated and cross-bred and new Burmese race was born, I honestly believe.

My mother’s sides were called Talaing-Mons whose ancesstors were believed to be the immigrants from the ancient land called Talinga in South-Eastern India. And my father sides were the immigrants from the North-Western China.

My maternal side people are short-and-small dark-brown-skinned while my paternal side are tall-and-big fair-skinned people. Genetics is such a bitch that my son born in Sydney 35 years ago is now a tall-and-big dark-skinned man and many people thought he was an African, fuck them!

At the high chool, I still remember, he was the Captain of the water-polo team and whenever his team played against a all-white-boys team from another high school and if he scored a goal the white boys from the other team yelled at him to go back to Africa. Those bloody-racist white boys didn’t even know Chindians from the Blacks.

Burmese are Infuenced and Dominated by Both Indians and Chinese

Burma being a relatively new nation tightly tucked-in between China and India we Burmese have always been culturally and physically dominated by both China and India. For eample I, like any other Burmese boys back then, basically grew up watching Indian movies with songs and dances and Chinese movies with bloodied Confu Fights.

That was jut cultural influence and how about physical dominance of China and India upon Burma and her people? Burmese never forget the atrocities committed by the countless Indian Rifle Divisions brought into Burma by the British Colonial Masters to quell the recurring Burmese Rebellions after the British invaded and colonized Burma in the Year-1824.

Then during the second-world-war the White-Chinese Rifle Divisions crossed into Burma and committed brutal plunders and pillages all over North-Eastern-Burma. It took small Burmee Army many years to repell those Koumington-White-Chinese forces from the Shan State in Burma in the 1960s.

NEHRU’s Lee-Enfield .303 Indian Rifles Re-Unifying Burma (1950s)

In the Year-1948 the British left Burma suddenly but they alo left almost all of their ubiquitous Lee-Enfield .303 rifles and .303 Bren Machine-Guns in the hands of Loyal-Christian tribes then rebelling against the Buddhist Burmese Army.

Facing the arms-embargo from the British-led western nations the Burmese Army didn’t have enough rifles and ammunitions to arm the Burmese majority to fight back the rebelling ethnic minority. Burmese are war-like people and ready to fight the ethnics but without guns they couldn’t stop the advancing ethnics and the Burmese Government then was even jokingly called the Rangoon Government as most of the country was lost to the ethnic armies.

Burmese were able to recruit 10,000 armed levies within one or two months. But English wouldn’t sell them guns and Americans also refused to sell too because of the defense agreement between England and Burma. Communist countries wouldn’t sell arms to Burma too since Burmese are in war with rebelling Burmese Communists.

Burmese have to thank  Nehru the Indian Prime-Minister back then for helping them during that serious difficult period. India sold them arms and ammunitions enough for nine full battalions at a time.  

Nheru’s India then had a massive stockpile of .303 Lee Enfield rifles and Bren Machine-guns the leftover from the dismantled-British-14th-army and he sold them cheaply to Burmese government and in some cases even bartered the guns for Burmese surplus rice to feed the starving Indians.

Within a year Burma was horribly flooded with thousands and thousands and thousnads of deadly Indian rifles and machine guns in the hands of Socialist paramilitaries, and the Burmese levies rapidly turned the tide of war against the Communists and eventually turned their Indian guns on their restless Christian brethren and the rest is the histroy.

XI-JINPING’s Type-81 Chinese Rifles Breaking-Up Burma (2020s)

Type-81 is a cheaply-modified-copy of ubiquitous AK-47 Russian assault rifle a.k.a. the Terrorist Rifle. The Type 81 7.62x39mm calibre assault rifle was the principal automatic rifle used by the Chinese People's Liberation Army from the mid-1980s until 1995 till replaced   by the QBZ-95, a 5.8x42mm  caliber bullpup rifle in 1995.

Despite its retirement from the China’s PLA several knockoff-versions of Type-81 reappears with China-supported or China’s proxy armies active and well-etablished on the China-Burma border line. UWSA (United Wa State Army) and KIA (Kachon Independence Army) and KNDF (Kareni National Defence Forces) all are known to have their own manufactruring facilities, funded and supported technically by the PLA forces statione in the China’ Yunan State bordering Burma, producing ten of thousands of Type-81 annually.

Those ethnic-narco-armies surviving mainly on the heroine and meth tarde across the China-Burma and Thai-Burma and India-Burma borderlines are also known to sell their Type-81 knockoffs to other insurgent groups in China and India and inside Burma.

UWSA’ Kunma Weapon Factory at the Kunma Town in the UWSA-controlled Special Region No-2 of Burma is the major producer of Type-81 knockoffs. In addition to selling their Type-81 knockoffs to brotherly ethnic armed groups inside Burma they even sold their rifles to various rebel groups outside Burma, including the Naga along India’s northeastern border with Myanmar, as well as the Maoist rebels who recently fought their way into government in Nepal,

They even pissed off Xi-Jinping’s Government when a large arm-cache of Type-81s was captured from the Uygur Muslim insurgents in China’s Xinjiang Province. What exactly did the Chinese Communists espect from the Narco-Insurgents like the UWSA? They would even sell their own mothers if there is profit in it.

The China-supported but the alledgely CIA-funded Christian Kachins of KIA had also managed to develop their own Type-81 Knockoffs named KA Rifles in the Kachin State by the China Borderline. The KIA Kachins have also successfully established and trained AA the Arakan Army of Yakhin People and armed them with their KA rifles. It is a captive market more than 30,000 strong for KIA’s Type-81 Knockoffs the KA assault rifles.

Both together UWSA and KIA managed to fully-arm the Burmese rebels of NLD’s NUG’s PDF forces guesstimated to be more than 400,000 strong with their Type-81 Knockoffs. Now all those rebles, each armed with a Chinese Type-81 Knockoff, have been tearing apart our Union of Burma rebuilt in 1950s with the Nehru’s Lee-Enfield .303 Indian rifles. What a bloodied fuckwit history of Burmese Chindians and their Chinese and Indian assault rifles?