Thursday, March 31, 2016

Burma (Myanmar) Gets Civilian Leaders

Myanmar Gets Civilian Leaders, But The Generals Keep Close Watch.

Myanmar's new president U Htin Kyaw (left), receives the presidential seal from outgoing president U Thein Sein during a handover ceremony at the presidential palace in Naypyidaw on Wednesday. The military ruled Myanmar, directly or indirectly, for more than a half-century.

Myanmar reached a major milestone this week, as civilian leaders, including Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, replaced the generals who have been running the Southeast Asian nation, directly or indirectly, for more than a half century. The outgoing president, U Thein Sein, formally relinquished his office Wednesday to his successor, U Htin Kyaw.

Thein Sein, an ex-general, has guided the country from military dictatorship to a fledgling democracy over the past five years. He now plans to head to a Buddhist monastery to be ordained as a monk, according to media reports. But few of Thein Sein's fellow generals and ex-generals will be heading into such an ascetic future.

Donal Trump Inspiring Muslimas To Leave Islam

(Two ex-Muslims’ posts direct from The REDDIT on 30 March 2016.)

Following two open letters to US presidential candidate Donald Trump from two young Muslim women (now ex-Muslims) are from the popular people forum site Reddit.

Hey the_donald, I'm a 19 year old girl living in America with muslim immigrant parents. Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my life while outside. I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my parents grounded me for a week.

Let me tell you something right now, there are no "moderate muslims". There are no "assimilated muslims". Throughout my life, I have been to three different mosques regularly. Everyone there had some kind of animosity to America. Either they support jihadist actions outright or they refuse to condemn them, or they victim blame christians and the west. Every time theres a terrorist attack, all over the media there are reports of muslims who speak out against jihad or protest terrorists.

This is bullshit.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Muslims’ Siege Of Vienna, 11 September 1683

The Other September 11th. At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe. Now we are in a new phase of a very old war the clash of two civilizations, primitive East and civilized West or evil Islam and angelic Christianity.

The Ottoman Empire had been expanding into Europe ever since Constantinople (Muslims renamed it Istanbul) fell to the Turks on 29 May 1453, and even before that. Wherever the Muslim armies went, they plundered cities, took slaves, turned churches into mosques, and converted many thousands of Christian captives to Islam at the point of a sword.

The Sultan’s armies overran Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia. They turned Protestant Hungary into a compliant vassal and made war repeatedly on Austria and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Ottomans had designs on Vienna, since the fall of the city would open the way into the heart of Austria and the rich principalities of southern Germany.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Myth Of The Oppressed European Muslims

Socialist Pope washed and kissed Muslim man's feet.
The Pernicious Myth Of The Oppressed European Muslim. Pope Francis kisses the foot of a man during the foot-washing ritual at a refugee center near Rome on Thursday. The pontiff washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholic refugees, declaring them children of the same God, in a gesture of welcome and brotherhood at a time when anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment has spiked following the Brussels attacks.  

Multiculturalism: A narrative popularized by liberal pols and pundits is that the Belgian and French terrorists were mistreated and alienated by the native population, and that’s why they lashed out in violence. It’s a pernicious lie.

A former Obama official summed up this pathetic excuse-making for mass murder on Wednesday during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “These communities, especially in Brussels . . . are looked down upon because of their religion,” claimed a former deputy assistant secretary of defense, Evelyn Farkas. “The whole mindset in Europe needs to shift in order to give these people equal opportunity, and frankly, respect.”

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Innocence Of Barack Hussein Obama

Before I get into tonight’s main topic, two things need to be said: 1. There is no way to determine whether Barack Obama is a Muslim. At least not yet. 2. What difference, at this point, does it make?

As has often been noted, whenever President Obama enacts policies that affects Muslims, his decisions always favor Muslims. Always. So, for all practical purposes, we may consider him a Muslim.

And every now and then he does or says something that functions as what the defense policy analysts might call an “indicator”. One such tell emerged yesterday when Mr. Obama voiced his thoughts about the terror attacks in Brussels:

First Cologne-NYE Muslim Groper Arrested

The Face of the Invader. This face is the personification of the Muslim invasion of Europe: the Algerian “asylum seeker” who is the first to be charged with sex offences after the events on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

Farouk B., a 26-year-old, and ten others—of whom only three have been identified—sexually groped a white German woman and stole her cell phone on the evening of December 31, 2015, in Cologne city center.

Earlier, another Muslim “asylum seeker” was prosecuted for theft, but Farouk B.’s case marks the first sex-related charge to come before the courts following the mass sex attacks in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

TATP: Muslims’ DIY Explosive To Kill Us Infidels

(Compilation of articles from various sources in March 2016.)

TATP: Extremely Unstable White Powder.
Mounting evidence are pointing that TATP (triacetone triperoxide) was used in both Paris and Brussels attacks. The taxi driver who brought three Muslim bombers to the Brussels airport led investigators back to the apartment where he picked them up, where investigators discovered 33 pounds of a highly volatile explosive called TATP, the same used in the Islamic State attacks in Paris last November.

Authorities also found chemicals used to make TATP, including 150 liters of acetone and 30 liters of hydrogen peroxide, nails and screws, an Islamic State flag, and according to Belgian media, a fourth bomb intended for the airport attack that wouldn’t fit in the taxi at the last moment.

TATP has become the explosive of choice among Islamic extremist groups operating underground in Europe because it’s easy to get hold of its ingredients (Hydrogen Peroxide and Acetone) and relatively hard to detect.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Belgium Is Ground Zero For European-Muslim Jihadis

Aftermath of Brussels bombings on 22 March 2016.
Growing numbers of Belgian Muslims live in isolated ghettos where poverty, unemployment and crime are rampant. In Molenbeek, the unemployment rate hovers at around 40%. Radical imams aggressively canvass in search of shiftless youths to wage jihad against the West.

"When we have to contact these people [European officials] or send our guys over to talk to them, we're essentially talking with people who are... children. These are not pro-active, they don't know what's going on. They're in such denial. It's such a frightening thing to admit their country is being taken over." — American intelligence official.

"Returned Syria fighters are a huge threat... It is absolutely unbelievable that our governments allow them to return... Every government in the West, which refuses to do so [lock them up], is a moral accessory if one of these monsters commits an atrocity. ... Our citizens are in mortal danger if we do not restore control over our own national borders." — Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Nazis Versus Muslims

The following article by Alain Wagner of Vérité, Valeurs et Démocratie was originally published in French at the VV&D website. Many thanks to Nathalie for the translation. Nazis Versus Muslims Posted on March 19, 2016 by Baron Bodissey.

I regularly receive a newsletter written by a female friend who is a professor of philosophy in Canada. Her most recent newsletter dealt with the apparent discrepancy between how “Joe Public” viewed Muslims versus how Nazis were perceived, and what it revealed about the nature of the modern psyche.

The case of the Nazis

In the mind of the overwhelming majority of people today, all Nazis without exception are directly linked to the Final Solution, to the slaughter of the Jews, the Gypsies and of homosexuals and ultimately to the extermination camps.

War On Asian Success in US: From NYC To Harvard

Asian-American students in Stuyvesant High School.
The year 2015 was a dismal one for American public education — at least by the numbers. But don’t blame the kids. Parents are missing in action. Except most Asian-American parents, that is.

They tend to oversee their children’s homework, stress the importance of earning high grades and instill the belief that hard work is the ticket to a better life. And it pays off. Their children are soaring academically.

The outrage is that instead of embracing the example of these Asian families, school authorities and non-Asian parents want to rig the system to hold them back. It’s happening here in New York City, in suburban New Jersey and across the nation.

As a group, Americans need to take a page from the Asian parents’ playbook. American teens rank a dismal 28th in math and science knowledge, compared with teens in other countries — even poor countries. Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are at the top.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Right-Wing Jews Endorse Trump Hated By Leftie Jews

Prominent Jewish Republican billionaire donor Sheldon Adelson has effectively publicly endorsed Donald Trump in a front page article in his Hebrew-language, Israel-based newspaper, Israel Hayom, titled “Your friend is leading the race.”

Adelson, better known for bankrolling other pro-Israel Republican candidates, has separately been quoted as saying “why not” to a direct question of whether he was going to support Trump or not.

The decision by Adelson to authorize the publication of the pro-Trump article in Israel—he keeps a tight rein on his newspaper, which fanatically supports Benjamin Netanyahu—is the clearest indication yet that the “right wing” of the American Jewish lobby has decided to come out in support of Trump now that their most preferred candidate—Marco Rubio—has dropped out.

At the same time, the “left wing” of the Jewish lobby in America has continued with its vituperative campaign against Trump, accusing him of “hate speech” about Mexicans and Muslims.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Muslim Staff In UK Nursing Homes Ban Pork

Bacon sandwiches banned in UK nursing homes.
In Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims must conform their behavior to Muslim sensibilities.

In rapidly islamized UK all Muslim care home staff stopped elderly residents having bacon sandwiches for breakfast, critical report finds. A council-run care service has been told to improve after staff refused to help a client buy pork pies and stopped them having bacon sandwiches for breakfast because of their cultural beliefs.

A new report by inspectors, who visited Wagtail Close in Buttershaw, Bradford, West Yorkshire, unannounced in January, found the actions of some staff were restricting people's right of choice and not everyone was getting food that met their personal preferences.

Burma Parliament Elects ASSK’s Puppet As President

Myanmar has elected its first civilian president after decades of military rule. Htin Kyaw, a close ally of Nobel laureate and democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, won the legislature's vote. Suu Kyi was barred from running herself by the country's constitution — drafted by the former military leaders — because she has two foreign sons.

Htin Kyaw won 360 of the 652 votes cast by the two houses of Parliament. Suu Kyi's party, the National League for Democracy, won "80 percent of the seats up for grabs" in November, as we reported.

NPR's Anthony Kuhn tells our Newscast unit that Suu Kyi apparently picked Htin Kyaw "not because he has political experience, because he doesn't, but because she trusts him." Here's more from Anthony:

"Lawmakers applauded as the vote count confirmed 70-year-old U Htin Kyaw as president. The legislature also confirmed two vice presidents, one each from the ruling and opposition parties. U Htin Kyaw has never held a public office. He's been a member of Aung San Suu Kyi's inner circle for years, sometimes serving as her driver."

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 15 Tomorrow is D-Day For Donald Trump

The outcome of the Republican Party primary elections tomorrow is D-Day for Donald Trump, and will either give him an unassailable lead, or create the real possibility of a “brokered” nomination convention.

In the latter case—where no one candidate amasses enough delegates to clinch the nomination—the Republican Party’s controllers will edge him out. The reason for the day of decision is because after the polling on March 15, more than half of all Republican delegates will have been allocated.

Currently, Trump has 460 delegates, and his main contender, Ted Cruz, has 370. The closeness of this battle hides the fact that, realistically, only Trump has the ability to reach the 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination. However, it is equally possible that no candidate will be able to reach this total—and this is what is going to be decided tomorrow.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Swedish Police Warns Women Not To Go Out At Night

Women in Östersund Had Better Stay Home at Night, Or Get Used to Being Raped. Whole Sweden is a crime scene and Östersund is a small town in the northern part of Sweden the Muslim Rape Capital of The World. Like most such towns, Östersund has always been a placid, orderly, law-abiding place — that’s the Swedish way.

Until recently. Everything has changed since the arrival of “refugees” at asylum centers that are popping up like mushrooms all over the Swedish landscape, even in the most rural areas. In the past few weeks six violent crimes — including rape and attempted rape — have been committed by men of “foreign appearance” against women out alone at night in Östersund.

Sleepy Swedish town rocked by EIGHT sex attacks in just three weeks, including on young children, by MUSLIM migrant men. Two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of Muslim migrants who threatened to rape them.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

ASSK Anointed Her Former Driver As Puppet President

Puppet president with Aung San Suu Kyi.
Aung San Suu Kyi will not be Burma's president. Htin Kyaw, an Oxford-educated writer who once drove Aung San Suu Kyi to meetings, named as her choice for president after Nobel laureate loses fight to secure top job.

Aung San Suu Kyi has nominated an Oxford-educated writer who once served as her personal driver as her “puppet” president after weeks of febrile speculation and intense negotiations. The nomination of her long-time aide Htin Kyaw marks the end – for now – of her dream of leading the country out of five decades of military rule. The Nobel laureate circulated a note to her new MPs apologising for "not fully fulfilling the people's desire" but asked for support "to reach the goal peacefully”.

Ms Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy (NLD) party won a landslide electoral victory in November, but she is barred from holding the presidency herself under a junta-drafted 2008 constitution because her children are foreign citizens. Ms Suu Kyi has pledged that she would run the country regardless.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Islamization of Britain: According to Czech Dr Rogozov

A Czech doctor named Vladislav Rogozov has caused a ruckus in Britain by publishing uncensored information about the Islamization of the UK in his native language. He works at a hospital in Sheffield, and has seen up close the effects of Islam in England.

Back in January he gave an interview to Parlamentní listy in which explained the urgent necessity for the Czech Republic to avoid going down the same path as the UK. Eventually excerpts from the interview were translated into English, and that’s when the trouble started. Dr. Rogozov’s willingness to tell the truth has landed him in hot water.

For more than 10 years, the Czech physician Vladislav Rogozov has been working at a teaching hospital in Sheffield, England. With this look at the current Islamization of Great Britain, he is attempting to bear witness to this serious danger to our homeland, in order that the Czech Republic might recognize this danger in time and not end up as tragically [as Great Britain].

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Stolen Mexican Territories Retaken By Latino Illegals

Much of Mexico’s history is unknown in the United States, and not taught in U.S. schools—and for a reason. A huge part of what is now the United States was originally Mexico’s territory. On September 16th 2010, Mexico celebrates the bicentenary of the revolution that led to its independence from Spain.

Mexico’s revolution began on September 16, 1810, when Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla freed prisoners who had been locked up by the ruling Spanish authorities. He called on the people to rebel by ringing church bells. Unfortunately, Hidalgo was captured and shot. However, he sparked a revolution that would that would lead to Mexico’s independence.

We live in Mexicali, which is in Baja (lower) California, but there was an Alta (upper) California, which was also part of Mexico. Alta California included land that today forms American states of California and Nevada and parts of today’s Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, western Colorado, and southwestern Wyoming. The capital of Alta California was Monterey, California.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Latinos Mobilize Against Anti-Immigration Trump

No To Trump: Latino protests in US.
Trump Hits New Poll High as Latinos Mobilize. Donald Trump has emerged unscathed and with higher ratings than ever before following his “block Muslim immigration” comments—and now Latinos across America have promised to “flood” the voter rolls with millions of immigrants to defeat him if he should win the Republican nomination.

According to the results of the latest Monmouth University poll surveying voters identifying as Republican or independents leaning toward the GOP, Trump took 41 percent, nearly tripling the support of his closest rival, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who took 14 percent, while all other candidates polled well below 5 percent.

According to the press release which accompanied the poll results, the new figures “represent a big jump in Trump’s support and a rearrangement of the deck chairs in the second tier. After polling between 26 percent and 30 percent in Monmouth polls throughout the late summer and fall, Trump’s showing has increased by 13 points from his 28 percent result in mid-October.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Muslim Woman Activists Calling To Dump Hijab

Taliban Afghan man herding hijabi women like his animals.
As Muslim women, we actually ask you not to wear the hijab in the name of interfaith solidarity. Last week, three female religious leaders — a Jewish rabbi, an Episcopal vicar and a Unitarian reverend — and a male imam, or Muslim prayer leader, walked into the sacred space in front of the ornately-tiled minbar, or pulpit, at the Khadeeja Islamic Center in West Valley City, Utah.

The women were smiling widely, their hair covered with swaths of bright scarves, to support “Wear a Hijab” day. The Salt Lake Tribune published a photo of fresh-faced teenage girls, who were not Muslim, in the audience at the mosque, their hair covered with long scarves. KSL TV later reported: “The hijab — or headscarf — is a symbol of modesty and dignity. When Muslim women wear headscarves, they are readily identified as followers of Islam.”

For us, as mainstream Muslim women, born in Egypt and India, the spectacle at the mosque was a painful reminder of the well-financed effort by conservative Muslims to dominate modern Muslim societies. This modern-day movement spreads an ideology of political Islam, called “Islamism,” enlisting well-intentioned interfaith do-gooders and the media into promoting the idea that “hijab” is a virtual “sixth pillar” of Islam, after the traditional “five pillars” of the shahada (or proclamation of faith), prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hijab-wearing Muslim Women Are Passive Terrorists?

San Bernardino terrorist from Pakistan via Saudi Arabia.
Are Hijab Wearers Terrorists? A Military Paper Says Yes. The U.S. Department of Defense recently released a policy paper that’s quickly become a flash point of controversy. It’s not hard to see why, as the paper asserts a link between Muslim women who wear hijabs, the traditional religious headscarves, to “passive terrorism.”

According to The Intercept, the paper, Countering Violent Extremism: Scientific Methods & Strategies, was first released in 2011 but was recently republished in an updated form. Despite the overwrought, academic-sounding name, the report makes a handful of assertions that appear to lack any genuine empirical evidence. Keep in mind that this is a policy paper meant to outline the U.S.’s counter-terrorism strategy domestically and abroad.

In addition to the outlandish claim about hijabs, a chapter authored by Dr. Tawfik Hamid titled “A Strategic Plan to Defeat Radical Islam” makes several more unproven assertions worthy of a raised eyebrow. Dr. Hamid says he was a former Islamic militant, so he should be taken at his word, right?