Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Myanmar is Fucked: Even Yangon Airport is Dark

           (Based on staff articles from the KHIT THIT MEDIA’s Facebook in July 2023.)

Military-controlled Myanmar is back in the stone-age. Even the Yangon International Airport has no electricity and thus everyone arriving and departing have to struggle filling in the immigration forms and navigating the narrow and dark corriders without bumping into heavily-armed soldiers.

Sanctions and general economic fuck-ups caused by the Min Aung Hlaing-led military coup are rapidly shutting down Myanmar’s already-struggling economy. No power, no water, no food, and no fucking-everything is sending the people of Burma into abject poverty except the ruling generals and a handful of their super-rich chronies.

Nearly everything has stopped working in Myanmar but the twin pipelines sending Arab crude oil and Myanmar natural gas to China across the whole length of Burma. The cross-Myanmar pipeline is stil working smoothly because of Chinese troops camouflagued as Myanmar security police battalions tighly guarding it.

Chinese communists even threateningly-warned the KIA-led Burmese PDF rebels that if they touch the oil&gas pipelines and interfere with the 24/7 energy flow into Chiana’s Yunan the PLA nuclear-armed divisions one million strong now being stationed in Yuanan will cross into Burma and make Myanmar one of China’s ethnic states like Tibet.

For the time being mother-fucking China is waiting patiently for the Myanmar to go into serious chaos like back in the 1988. And once it becomes a failed-state the waiting PLA divisions will cross the border and make the people of Burma second-class Chinese citizens aka the slaves of China like Uighurs and Tibetians.

No power, no water, no food!

Chinese pipeline guards in Myanmar police uniforms.

Dictator Min Aung Hlaing Shaking Down His Chronies

On June-29, the mad Myanmar dictator General Min Aung Hlaing squeezed 16 Billion Kyats (more than 10 million US$) from his Myanmar chronies supposedly for the huge pagoda he has been building in Nay Pyi Daw.

Nearly one hundred richest of Myanmar chronies were forced to take the 400-miles journey from Rangoon to Nay Pyi Daw (in a long and an army-escorted luxury-buses-convoy) and personally donate millions of US$ to the dictator. Only the two richests of them (Htoo Cmpany’s Tay Za and Kambawza Bank’s Aung Ko Win) now exiling in Singpore refused to show up and give their hard-earned cash to the universally-hated dictator.

Even that criminal chrony Maung Wait, recenty released from Insein Prison, was forced to surrender a large amount of cash to that motherfucking dictator Min Aung Haing. Maung Wait was notoriously well known in Myanmar for falsely accusing now-jailed-leader Aung San Suu Kyi of taking a 5.5 milion US$ bribe from him.