(This post is the truly-alarming story of Belgium being swallowed
by Muslim immigrants.)
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Modern History of Belgium. |
From him I learned about
beautiful Belgium and her French-speaking Wallonian people and Dutch-speaking Flemish
people and of course the truly European Capital the Brussels. That was more than
twenty five years ago.
Back then I would be truly
shocked if someone told me that in short 20 years time the 40% of Brussels’s
population would eventually be recent Muslim immigrants demanding the
truly-democratic Belgium be drastically turned into an Islamic republic like
that truly-repressive Iran the pariah of the civilized world and the
utter-degrader of women.
But that is what exactly
happening in Belgium right now if one believes what conservative Europeans are
now loudly and alarmingly claiming like in the following article from the
conservative Gatestone Institute and the following one from BREITBART.
(Following from the Gatestone Institute
is the article written by Soeren Kern, Senior Fellow for Transatlantic Relations at the
Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow
him on Facebook.)
Islamist group in Belgium is intensifying a propaganda and intimidation
campaign aimed at turning the country into an Islamic state.
the past several months, Sharia4Belgium, a Muslim organization that wants to implement Islamic
Sharia law throughout Belgium, has become increasing belligerent in its appeals
to fellow Muslims to overthrow the democratic order in the country.
latest installment of Islamist agitprop comes in the form of a video in which
the Belgian Islamist Sheik Abu Imran declares that the black flag of Islamic
Jihad will "soon be flying on top of all the palaces in Europe."
December 11 video, which has been translated into English by the Middle
East Media Research Institute(MEMRI),
shows Imran dressed in military camouflage calling for the destruction of the Atomium, a monument in Brussels that is the
national symbol of Belgium.
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Atomium in Brussels. The Islamists have promised to destroy it like they did with the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan. |
video then continues from another location in Brussels, namely directly in
front of the Atomium. Imran says: "We can see nowadays how people are
taking photos, and how people from all over Brussels and from all over Europe,
come here for what is called 'tourism' and take photos of this monument. They
hold on to this monument. On top, you can see the Belgian flag. This monument
is a symbol of Belgium…Soon, Belgium will fall apart. May Allah disperse them and
their country. Amen. Then this symbol will be useless to them."
continues: "Look how people view this monument as their Taghut, their
idol…We should destroy these monuments. How can we demonstrate that we are
Muslims? … We must free ourselves from this idolatry…we call upon everyone to
stay away from idols and idolatry. One of these idols is this Taghut [the
Atomium] here behind us, with the flag of the Taghut government [Belgium] on
top of it, a symbol of the Taghut regime, the Taghut system ruling this
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A Mosque in Brussels, Belgium. |
video came just days after a mob of extremists belonging to Sharia4Belgium stormed a debate in Amsterdam
that was featuring two Muslim liberals: the Canadian writer and Muslim feminist
Irshad Manji and the Dutch-Moroccan Green Left MP Tofik Dibi.
an Islamist jihadist flag, the Islamists yelled "Allahu Akbar!"
(Allah is Greater) and threatened to break Manji's neck. They then demanded
that both Manji and Dibi be executed for apostasy.
December 8 debate on how liberal Muslims can prevent Islam from being hijacked
by Muslim extremists was held at the De Baile venue in downtown Amsterdam, and
was sponsored by the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy. The
event resumed after police arrested several of the Islamists.
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Restricted Sharia Zone in Brussels. |
September, Sharia4Belgium established Belgium's first Islamic Sharia law court in Antwerp, the second-largest city in the country. Leaders
of the group say the purpose of the court is to create a parallel Islamic legal
system in Belgium in order to challenge the state's authority as the enforcer
of the civil law protections guaranteed by the Belgian constitution.
self-appointed Muslim judges running the Islamic Sharia court apply Islamic
law, rather than the secular Belgian Family Law system, to resolve disputes
involving questions of marriage and divorce, child custody and child support,
as well as all inheritance-related matters.
Belgian civil law, Islamic Sharia law does not guarantee equal rights for men
and women; critics of the Sharia court say it will undermine the rights of
Muslim women in marriage and education.
says the court in Antwerp will eventually expand its remit and handle criminal
cases as well.
But Sharia4Belgium also expects non-Muslims to submit to Sharia law.
A partial archive of an earlier version of Sharia4Belgium's website includes
a threat in the form of an invitation calling for all Belgians to convert to
Islam and to submit to Sharia law or face the consequences. The text says:
is now 86 years since the fall of the Islamic Caliphate. The tyranny and
corruption in this country [Belgium] has prevailed; we go from one scandal to
another: Economic crises, paedophilia, crime, growing Islamophobia, etc."
in the past we [Muslims] have saved Europe from the dark ages, we now plan to
do the same. Now we have the right solution for all crises and this is the
observance of the divine law, namely Sharia. We call to implement Sharia in
is the perfect system for humanity...As a result, we invite the royal family,
parliament, all the aristocracy and every Belgian resident to submit to the
light of Islam. Save yourself and your children of the painful punishment of
the hereafter and grant yourself eternal life in paradise."
cache of the background image for the Sharia4Belgium website has the black flag of jihad flying above the Belgian Parliament. Until recently, the Sharia4Belgium Youtube page (which has been shut down) was used to incite Muslims to
Jihad, or Holy War. The group had posted videos with titles such as,
"Jihad Is Obligatory," "Encouraging Jihad," "Duelling
& Guerrilla Warfare," and "The Virtues of Martyrdom."
In a recent debate with Filip Dewinter, a Belgian politician who has raised public awareness of
the dangers posed by radical Islam, Imran said: "There are a lot of
Muslims in Belgian politics, which is something I cannot understand. You are
either a Muslim or a democrat, you cannot be both. I have no business with
infidels. My mission is to please Allah, not infidels."
continued: "Let's turn Belgium into an Islamic state. We have enough
judges, scholars and leaders who can become caliphs…Filip Dewinter is right.
This is the beginning of the Islamization of Antwerp. And to all infidels:
Adjust or get out!"
(Following from the BREITBART is the
article written by William Bigelow, 2012.)
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Two elected Muslim politicians now demanding Sharia law to be introduced in Brussels. |
This is what is facing the
West: Islamic Sharia Law ruling over it. In Brussels, the capital of Belgium,
two Muslim politicians who just won municipal elections are vowing to implement
Islamic Sharia law. Lhoucine Aït Jeddig and Redouane Ahrouch won seats in two
heavily Islamized municipalities of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and
After their victory, the two Muslims laid out their
agenda. Ahrouch, who was sentenced to six months in prison in 2003 for the
assault and battery of his disabled wife, (where are the Western feminists when
Muslims abuse women?) stated:
The agenda is still the same, but our approach is
different now. I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the
advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws. And then it will be
completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic
A reporter asked, "An Islamic State in
Belgium?" Ahrouch replied: "In Belgium, of course! I am for the
Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take
decades or a century, but the movement has been launched."
Aït Jeddig, 50, has said that Islam paved the way for
"the emergence of European civilization."
Of course, Judaism and Christianity had nothing to do
with that.
He also insisted that Islam is compatible with freedom
and democracy.
Tell that to the Iranian protesters ignored by Barack
Obama and smashed by the Iranian government, or the Coptic Christians who now
live in fear in Egypt.
The two men belong to the Islam Party, which plans to run
candidates in European-level elections in 2014. 300,000 Muslims now make up
one-quarter of the population of Brussels, making Brussels the most Islamic
city in Europe. By 2030, they will be a majority, according to sociologist
Felice Dassetto. Muslims already comprise roughly 6% of the total population of
Belgium, and that figure is expected to rise more than 10% by 2020.
The growth of
the Muslim population in Brussels has triggered an increase in violent crime,
making Brussels one of the most dangerous cities in Europe. Much of the crime
comes from the heavily Muslim populated Anderlecht and Molenbeek districts,
where police have lost control of the area to the Muslim youths.
In Molenbeek, 25% Muslim, multinational companies have
abandoned the area. In June 2011 the American advertising agency BBDO abandoned
Molenbeek, reporting in an open letter to the mayor that there had been over
150 assaults on its staff by local Muslims:
Youngsters who forcibly rob our bags. Youngsters who
smash car windows. Youngsters who verbally corner us so that we become
paralyzed with fear. Young people who are not afraid to even point a gun at one
of our male colleagues.
On November 5, the Belgian Interior Ministry reported
that gang rapes in the country are increasing alarmingly; an average of five
new cases of rapes each week involving two or more offenders. Anti-Semitism has
burgeoned; one-half of the Muslim students in Brussels are anti-Semitic. Yves
Goldstein, a Jewish candidate, was targeted by Turkish political activists as
"an active Zionist and enemy of Islam."
Brussels, the home of NATO, is often called the capital
of Europe. How long before Europe’s problems are our own?
(Brussels Islamists Calling to turn Belgium into an Islamic Republic governed by Sharia.)
(Deporting Millions of Muslims from Europe to stop Islamization - Geert Wilder.)