Monday, July 15, 2024

Battle for Mandalay: China Orders 4-Days Pause of War?

             (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on27 June 2024.)

Embattled Myanmar Army is preparing for the coming assaults on Mandalay, the fabled old royal capital of Kingdom of Burma, from the combined troops of NUG’s Mdy-PDF, TNLA the Palaung Army, and MNDAA the Kokang Army.

On the Mandalay Hill, tops of many multistoried hotels, and at the Mand-plaza, the heavily-armed troops have taken positions to defend Mandalay as the approaching rebelling forces are inching towards the second-largest city of Burma.

After capturing the nearby Mattayar Town at only 15 short miles from the City of Mandalay the Mdy-PDF forces are already at the outskirts of Mandalay. And very soon, the TNLA’s Plaungs will arrive with their Chinese-made 107mm Shock-Rockets and start shelling indiscriminately at the city like they have been doing at another besieged-city, Lashio in Shan-North.

Myanmar Army’s Troops are now at the Ocean Hotel at the corner of 78th and 37th streets, Khin Saw Mu Hotel at the corner of 78th and 42nd streets, the top floor of Man-Plaza at 84th street near Zay-Cho Markets. A large number of soldiers supported by the Myanmar Police and armed-People-Milita are seen patrolling the streets and manning the gates to restrict the movements of people.

As the rebelling ethnic armies such as the Plaungs, Kokangs, and Shans coming down from the Shan Hills the Myanmar Army has moved the army-families residing outside the walls of the royal city into the walled city and increased the troop numbers of the city’s outposts.

The Central Divisional Command (La-Pa-Kha) inside Mandalay’s Walled-Royal-City is now being threatened directly by the ethnic armies, TNLA and MNDAA and SSA, marching down via Mandalay-Lashio Union Highway as the ethnic armies have captured the major towns upstream such as Thibaw, Kyaukme, and Naungcho.

After the Naungcho Town was taken on July-10 the Pyin-Oo-Lwin (formerly known as May-Myo) with all-important army institutions such as DSA (Defense-Services-Academy) and DSTA (Defense-Services-Technical-Academy) and DSMA (Defense-Services-Medical-Academy) is the only major town between Naungcho and Mandalay.

La-Pa-Kha Commander General Kyi Khaing Dismissed

Even during this upheavel the Mad Dictator Min Aung Haing has taken some crazy actions against his so-called disobedient generals including the army-boss of Mandalay and the Divisional Commander of Central Divisional Command (La-Pa-Kha) General Kyi Khaing by dismissing him from the Myamar Army.

Genera Kyi Khaing was accused of being responsible for the army’s killing of the famous Burmese Buddhist Monk Shin Win-nimi-tar-yone Sayadaw on June-19 recently near Mandalay. The monk’s luxury Mercedes was shot multiple times by his Ngan-zun Militia and the senior monk was killed on the spot inside the vehicle.

He was actively recruiting and arming the civilian militia known as Pyu-saw-htee and his miitia men are basically blood-thirsty and trigger-happy local village thugs happilly looting and raping and killing people while actively serving alongside the regular army soldiers.

His men’s killing of a deeply-respected senior Buddhist Monk has extremely riled up the Buddhist-fanatic Dictator and he was arrested, interrogated, and tortured and eventually dismissed from the Myanmar Army.

Local Interim Government for Mandalay once Captured

While the NUG’s Mdy-PDF has been preparing for the assault on Mandalay, the Mandalay Divisional Parliamentary members. elected back in the 2020 General Election but didn’t get a chance to serve in the Mandalay Division Hlut-taw (Parliament), are also drawing a plan for the inerim political process to regovern the Mandaly Division.

Insiders are claiming that if that plan is successful it will become the blueprint for all the administrative divisions of the Union of Burma and the basic structure for the future Federal Union of Burma.

Civil War on-Pause During CCP Central Committee Meeting

Meanwhile the Northern Alliance Armies declared a temporary pause for all their operations during the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Meeting from July-14 to July-18 to show their deep respect to their Fatherland China.

Apparently the Chinese Communist Party Politbureau Standing Committee had concerns over the spill-over affects from the civil war in next-door-neighbor Burma over that cruial four days during the important Central Committee Meeting and thus ordered its proxy armies the TNLA, MNDAA, and KIA to stop fighting briefly that four days.