Monday, July 8, 2024

Thandwe Is Kaput: AA Finished LID-101, Killed 4,000+

       (Based on staff articles from The MYANMAR NOW MEDIA on 07 July 2024.)

Arakan Army (AA) has basically annihilated all ten infantry battalions of Myanmar Army’s LID-101 and captured the Gateway-to-Arakan, Thandwe Town, according to the AA news-release on July-7, just yesterday.

The Pakhokeku-based Light-Infantry-Division LID-101 had IB-251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, and 235 all there in Thandwe, but all those infantry battalions have been demolished and more than 4,000 Myanmar soldiers were killed in the intense battle to capture Thandwe, the Gateway to the famous Ngapali Beach.

Thandwe International Airport has also been taken by AA, despite the coastal-bombardment of five warrships from Myanmar Navy; and despite the Myanmar Army sending in more than twenty infantry battalions to defend Thandwe Town and the Airport.

More than 400 corpses of Myanmar soldiers at the Airport alone were collected and buried in at least five mass graves at the Airport after the deadly battle was over. There ae other mass graves of Myanmar soldiers killed all over the Town.

Na-Pa-Kha Is Surrounded

Myanmar Army’s Western-Divisional-Command (Na-Pa-Kha) at Ann is now underseige as AA has captured the Taw-hein-taung Byuhar (Tactical Command) Base situtated at just 26-miles-West of Na-Pa-Kha after two-months-long intense frontal assaults.

It took AA more than two months of relentless assaults to finally overrun that Tactical-Command-Base which was basically the last obstacle on assaulting the Na-Pa-Kha. AA declared that they had heavy casualities too, but didn’t disclose the exact numbers of dead and wounded.

Once AA had the whole township they will have a complete control of Ngapali-Special-Economic-Zone (EPZ) where the Multi-billion-US$ worth of luxury resorts and hotels are owned and operated by many foreign investers.

The way things are rapidly happening in Arakan, AA will eventually take the Na-Pa-Kha Command and drive out the Myanmar Army from the Arakan State, and they can establish their own State Administration and then happily declare Arakan’s Independnce from the Union of Myanmar (Burma). That will be the beginning of Burmese Balkanization as many foreign observers have been predicting for a while now.