Monday, October 14, 2024

Cut-5-Cuts: China Blockading MNDAA the Kokang-Army!

 (Concise translation of Thuta Zaw’s article from MYANMAR NOW on 4 October 2024.)

MNDAA the Kokang Army has recently declared, as the obivious response to China’s relentless pressure, that its members are now being prohibited from travelling to the Western Nations especially the US, and the ASEAN nations. The MNDAA also prohibited all their members from meeting or discussing the crucial matters with those nations.

That is in addition to its declaration stopping all collaboration, either politics or military, with US-aligned NUG (NLD’s exile National Unity Government based in US) or any international organization that opposed China, in early September this year. But China wants more than those written assurances from seemingly recalcitrant MNDAA. China wants the Kokang Army to withdraw from the prized Lashio City they captured from Myanmar Army this year on July 25.

To force MNDAA to meet that impossible demand China has been severely blockading the Kokang Territory as their so-called Cut-5-Cuts Operation along the Chinese Border since last September. Strictly No Electricity, No Water, No Internet, No crucial supplies such as rice, fuel, medicines, and essential-consumables, and No Cross-border Movement. The whole Kokang-China border has been tight shut by a division of PLA, the People Liberation Army.

But the Kokangs are clever people for they are using the Wa Territory down south next to Kokang Territory to get the stuff from China and the UWSA has been benefitting from that. So what did China do recently to close that blockade-loophole? They sent their Special Envoy for Asian Affairs, Deng Xijun to a secret meeting with the UWSA and as usual the Narco-Insurgents UWSA leaked the secret written minutes of that secret meeting to the press such as Myanmar-Now and Eleven-Myanmar.

Following is their reports on that Secret China-UWSA Meeting held on August-27 at Pu’er City in Southern-Yunan.

Not-so-Secret Meeting in Pu’er the Tea Capital

Pu’er City is in the south-central part of Yunnan Province. Often referred to as China's Tea Capital, Puer is probably best known as the source of Pu'erh Tea, a dark, fermented style of tea that is one of the most prized kinds of Chinese tea. Pu’er City is one of the highest producing areas of Pu'er tea today.

The secret meeting in Pu’er City was attended by China’s Special Envoy for Asian Affairs, Deng Xijun and the top UWSA/UWSP leaders including Kyauk Kaw An, Head of External Relations, and Bao Ai Kham, Deputy General Secretary of the UWSP.

At that meeting, Deng Xijun applied maximum pressure, and he basically ordered the Wa leaders, to cooperate fully with China in blocking the MNDAA and the Kokang people from accessing China, especially through UWSA/UWSP-controlled Wa Special Administrative Region as the Kokangs are doing right now.

Deng Xijun repeatedly reminded the Wa leaders that the Myanmar Army has been the only institution building the Nation of Myanmar from the very beginning (1948-Independence from the Britain?) and ASSK’s NLD or the National Unity Government, the NUG, won’t be able to substitute the role of Myanmar Army in Burma. And his China will never accept the collapse of Myanmar Army and the eventual victory of NUG and its PDF (People Defense Forces, ironically armed with PLA’s Type-81 rifles) closely aligned to the US and the West.

And thus, if the MDNAA is still holding the Lashio City and Shan-North, his China will not end the current blockade. He even added that China will take more devastating actions against MNDAA in future soon if the Kokang Army still do not return Lashio City to the Myanmar Army.

MNDAA is the army controlling Kokang Special Administrative Region in Top Shan-North brodering China and the Lau-Kai and the Chin-Shwe-Haw are two cities with main Burma-China cross-border trading gates now being blockaded by the China’s PLA.

Despite the months-long China’s Blockade, Deng Xijun angrily pointed out, the Kokang Army has been surviving and kept holding Lashio City since they have access to essential goods and services from China through Wa Region and Mine-Lar Special Administrative Region, both bordering the Kokang Region and China.

Deng Xijun also threatened to the Wa leaders that, if they refuse to collaborate immediately with China in blockading the MNDAA they will also face similar blockade from China soon.

Big-Bad-China Revealing its Big-black-hands  

After the August-3 Capture of Lashio City by the MNDAA, Deng Xijun visited Nay-pyi-daw on August-8 and then again on August-14 when he accompanied Chinese Foreign Minister Wan Yi visiting Nay-pyi-daw. He met the Myanmar Dictator General Min Aung Hlaing on both occasions and discussed of Myanmar Army’s repeated defeats, including the fall of Lashio City and the surrender of Northeastern-Military-Command (Ya-Ma-Kha), to the ethnic Northenrn Alliance Armies (KIA, AA, MNDAA, and TNLA).

Immediately after those high-level-meetings with the Myanmar Dictator, Chinese Communist Government started imposing on the MNDAA and Kokang Region the “Cut-5-Cuts” total blockade.

China also has been pressuring the UWSA, the strongest and the largest ethnic army among all the China-Border-Based Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAO is a nice name for the ethnic narco-insurgents), to stop supplying MNDAA and TNLA with weapons and ammunitions, and not to involve in the war-of-resistance raging all over the Shan-North.

All despite with the knowledge that over a million Chinese-Type-81 automatic assault rifles now carried by almost every rebel soldier in Myanmar came from the armories of Yunan-Based PLA divisions.

(To be continued…..)