Thursday, January 23, 2025

Dictator’s Wife, Her Expensive Handbags & Dead Soldiers

                (Based on Aung Thuya’s post from the IRRAWADDY on 15 January 2025.)       

Foolish Myanmar Army has a brutal habit of not acknowledging its fallen soldiers as KIAs (Killed-in-Action) but as MIAs (Missing-in-Action) for two nasty reasons. One is to save face by not openly admitting so many Myanmar soldiers are being killed daily in the nation-wide civilwar battles.

Other lucrative reason is a financial as the corrupt paymasters are still drawing the dead soldiers’ pays and pocketing it, and as the brutal excuse for the army’s compulsory life-insurance company Aung-Myint-Mo-Min (conveniently owned by Myanmar Dictator MAH’s son Aung-pyae-sone) not to pay out death benefits to the families left behind.

Every service member must contribute a large monthly life-insurance premium taken out automatically from their monthly salaries and sent to the Aung-Myint-Mo-Min Insurance. When they are Killed-In-Actions they are supposed to get back their contributions plus death benefits but if they are reported as MIA they will not. 

Can you imagin the enormous amount of money collected as life-insurance premiums from a reportedly 300,000-strong military. During more than four years since the Motherfucker MAH’s illegal coup in 2021, close to 100 billion kyats from the massive defnse budget has been corruptly misappropriated in that fashion.

One question asked regularly is, how comes the supposedly broke Myanmar Army has such a vast amount of money in hand? They have been fucking printing kyats like hell, or more like US Federal Reserve. Well over 30 trillion kyats were printed at Warzi Currency Printing Facility in Middle-Burma since 2021.

The dire result is the stone-like dropping of Myanmar Kyat against US Dollar and other hard currencies. Forty years ago, in 1985 when I left Burma for good, one US$ fetched only four kyats but now one US$ fetching more than four thousand kyats in 2025. Accompanying Hyper-Inflation, the so-called indirect tax, has been killing Myanmar economy and Myanmar people literally.

As usual in any dictatorship, that vast amount of that money has benn collected by the greedy family of corrupt Myanmar Dictator senior-general Min Aung Hlaing also lovingly known by Myanmar people as the Motherfucker.

Where have all those billions of kyats gone? Of course, into the deep pockets of Dictator’s family to be wasted on their lavish lifestyles. Luxury condos in Thailand, properties in Bejing and Moscow, and prime lands houses in Rangoon, and Kyu Kyu Hla the Dictator’s wife’s massive collection of most expensive handbags on the planet.

According to the inside sources, Kyu Kyu Hla owns an impressive collection of luxury handbags worth nearly five billion kyats. The exact number in her collection remains unknown, but she has been spotted with 15 totes from several ultraluxury brands, valued at a staggering US$ 274,000 – or over 1 billion kyats. All money stolen from the dead Myanmar soldiers’ grieving families, now poor and destitute and begging desperately to survive.

Her Luxury Handbag Collection has even overtaken the notoriety of Imelda Marcos’s Expensive Shoe Collection in the annal of South-East-Asian nations. Following is the Irrawaddy’s original article on her Luxury Handbag Collection. Please curse the corrupt family to enjoy their good fortune while it still lasts for that good fortune will not last too long.

Couture Coup: Inside the Lavish World of Min Aung Hlaing's Wife    

Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of Myanmar coup leader Min Aung Hlaing, is known for her lavish tastes, particularly when it comes to luxury handbags. The exact number in her collection remains unknown, but she has been spotted with 15 totes from several ultraluxury brands, valued at a staggering US$ 274,000 – or over 1 billion kyats. That figure was calculated based on the retail prices of standout handbags Kyu Kyu Hla has been seen carrying in media photographs and videos.

A taste for the finest

Kyu Kyu Hla has been spotted flaunting a variety of world-renowned designer handbags, wristwatches, and outfits ever since her husband assumed the role of Myanmar military chief in 2011. Her handbag collection features iconic brands like Hermes, Prada, Louis Vuitton (LV), and Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) in various designs and colors.

Kyu Kyu Hla carries a Prada handbag worth US$ 4,250 during a meeting with the wife of the Thai military chief in Bagan in 2018. 

Topping the list is a black Hermes tote crafted from authentic crocodile skin and adorned with real gold, valued at $77,500 – or over 310 million kyats. Kyu Kyu Hla was spotted with this exquisite piece on February-8 last year during a visit to the Two Dragons Monastery in Tachileik, Shan State.

Her lavish fashion statements in the face of Buddhist modesty extended to a blue Hermes handbag worth $34,200 (120 million kyats). She chose to carry this bag – made from the finest Togo leather and embellished with real gold – at a ceremony to donate robes to monks at Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittwe, Rakhine State, on November 7, 2023.

Collection expanding post-coup

Observers note that Kyu Kyu Hla’s penchant for Hermes bags has grown considerably since her husband staged the 2021 coup to oust the elected NLD government. In media appearances since the military takeover, she has showcased eight different Hermes bags, with the cheapest among them valued at $4,999 (around 20 million kyats). This particular piece was seen dangling from her arm last year on March 17, during a ceremony to consecrate the Kyaik Pinnyaya Pagoda in Bago.

However, she refuses to confine her displays of opulence to a single luxury brand. On October 2 last year, she attended a Myanmar Police Force Day dinner in Naypyitaw accessorized with a YSL handbag worth $2,100.

Before the coup, Kyu Kyu Hla showed a preference for Louis Vuitton totes. For the high-profile funeral service of controversial monk Myaing Gyi Ngu Sayadaw in Karen State on October 20, 2018, she chose an LV Vendome MM, valued at $5,650.

A year earlier, during a July 9 trip to India with her husband, Kyu Kyu Hla was photographed carrying a bag from the Louis Vuitton Masters Collection by Jeff Koons. Advocacy group Justice for Myanmar highlighted that the bag’s $3,000 price tag was equivalent to two to three times the annual income of many people in Myanmar.

In July 2021, the United States government sanctioned the Kyu Kyu Hla in response to her husband’s putsch. Kyu Kyu Hla carries a Hermes tote valued at $4,999 during a visit to Bago on March 17, 2024.

From humble beginnings to lavish displays

Born and raised in the small village of Zee Kyun in Rakhine State, the story of Kyu Kyu Hla’s journey to opulent wealth is intriguing. The ethnic Rakhine woman attended the University of Yangon to study Burmese literature and went on to become a Burmese instructor at the same institution.

Min Aung Hlaing first encountered her during his single year as a law student at the University of Yangon before he joined the Defense Services Academy. Kyu Kyu Hla was the older of the two and commanded respect from her future husband right from the start, according to sources close to the couple.

High-ranking Myanmar military defectors state that Kyu Kyu Hla harbors personal animosity toward Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, envying her reputation and popularity. The democracy icon has been imprisoned in Naypyitaw since she was arrested, along with other NLD leaders, on the first day of the coup.

Observers have linked Kyu Kyu Hla’s dazzling displays of wealth to the booming business empires of her two adult children. Since Min Aung Hlaing became military chief, Aung Pyae Sone and Khin Thiri Thet Mon have emerged as top cronies, controlling businesses in Myanmar’s most lucrative sectors, ranging from telecoms, energy, and construction to pharmaceutical imports, weapons factories, aircraft parts procurement, and film production.

A mass grave of Myanmar Army soldiers. Their death benefits become Hermes.