Friday, September 6, 2024

Burmese Hitler: Dragging Down Burma into HELL?

        (Based on Staff artices from The MYANMAR NOW on 18 July 2024)

Myanmar Mad-Little-Dictator General Min Aung Hlaing has appointed himself (illegally of-course) as the President of the Union of Myanmar on July-23. In both Myanmar history and world history MAH is now well known as the most brutal and the dumbest dictator ever.

He is even putting his own respected seniors, the six influential former senior-generals of Myanmar Army, under a very tight House-Arrest in Naypyidaw. The SIX are former Dictator Than Shwe, former Deputy-Dictator Maung Aye, former President Thein Sein, former Vice-Presidnet Tin Aung Myint Oo, former Federal Parliament Speaker Shwe Man, and former Election Commision Chairman Tin Aye.

Their six Naypyidaw-residents widely-known as the Six-Mansions-Row are now collectively behind a 3-meters-high-barbed-wire-fence and also surrounded by an army battalion and no one is allowed in-or-out without MAH’s personal permission. The Mother-fucker has learned a bitter lesson from letting former President Thein Sein go to China and come back with Chinese Ultimatum for him to step down and let Thein Sein form an interim government.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Will Shan-South Be Liberated? China Says Nope!

  (Based on the staff articles from The MYANMAR NOWMEDIA on 30 August 2024.)

Many locals from the Shan-South’s Capital City Taung-gyi have started fleeing the City since the fearsome rumors of approaching ethnic rebel armies started spreading like wild fires after the Shan-North’s Capital Lashio City was liberated by the combined forces of MNDAA and TNLA and Mandalay PDF.

Since the shameful-loss of North-Eastern-Regional-Command (Ya-Ma-Kha) in the Shan-North to combined forces of MNDAA and TNLA in last July, Myanmar Army has been rapidly reinforcing the Eastern-Regional-Command (Ya-Pa-Kha) at Taung-gyi City in the Shan-South, the Middle-Eastern-Regional-Command (Ya-La-Kha) at Kho-Lam City in the Mid-Shan, and the Triangle-Regional-Command at Tachileik City in the Shan-East.

Stupidly-clueless Myanmar Army generals are still dreaming of retaking-back Shan-North from the ethnic rebels for they know very well that the resistance forces will not just be stopping at Shan-North but continue onto capturing the Shan-South which is crucial to further capturing the Shan-East.

Monday, September 2, 2024

China’s Deadly Divide-and-Rule Tactics Breaking Burma!

              (Simon Tisdall’s opinion-piece from The GUARDIAN UK on 25 August 2024.)

Symbol of Chinese Power in Myanmar?
China’s deadly divide-and-rule tactics in Myanmar risk shock waves across region. Far from acting as a broker, Beijing is playing both sides in a state torn by brutality and chaos.

Things fall apart, if you let them – and ethnically, religiously, ideologically fractured Myanmar, formerly Burma, has never been a model of harmonious, integrated nationhood. Yet since the 2021 military coup and ensuing civil war, new and old divisions have grown rapidly. Western and neighbouring states supporting a democratic restoration now face a more fundamental, urgent challenge: how to prevent Myanmar’s anarchic disintegration.

A break-up would send destabilising shock waves coursing across the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh and all of south-east Asia. The humanitarian implications for its 54 million people are dire. A collapse would boost separatist forces and non-state actors elsewhere. And it would severely dent China’s claims to regional leadership. If President Xi Jinping cannot manage Myanmar, what price Beijing’s superpower pretensions?

Reasons to fear a fatal implosion proliferate. About two-thirds of the country, including borders, is now beyond the control of the junta, led by Senior Gen Min Aung Hlaing (The slowly-going-mad Little-Dictator). A sweeping offensive begun last October by northern ethnic armed groups has rocked a desperate, illegitimate regime whose writ is confined increasingly to the capital, Naypyidaw, and urban areas.