(Based on Staff artices from The MYANMAR NOW on 18 July 2024)
He is even putting his own respected seniors, the six influential former senior-generals of Myanmar Army, under a very tight House-Arrest in Naypyidaw. The SIX are former Dictator Than Shwe, former Deputy-Dictator Maung Aye, former President Thein Sein, former Vice-Presidnet Tin Aung Myint Oo, former Federal Parliament Speaker Shwe Man, and former Election Commision Chairman Tin Aye.
Their six Naypyidaw-residents widely-known as the Six-Mansions-Row are now collectively behind a 3-meters-high-barbed-wire-fence and also surrounded by an army battalion and no one is allowed in-or-out without MAH’s personal permission. The Mother-fucker has learned a bitter lesson from letting former President Thein Sein go to China and come back with Chinese Ultimatum for him to step down and let Thein Sein form an interim government.
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Six-Mansions-Row of retired senior generals in Naypyidaw. |
Like a common Burmese village thug he proudly and publicly declared once in 2021 that he dares to do whatever (Bar-ma-so-lote-ye-del) as he does not care what people think of him. Now his time to end like Hitler has come as his once-proud Myanmar Army has been disintegrating after badly losing every battle and our Union-of-Burma has lost half of the country (incuding all her border regions) to the rebelling ethnic armies.
Now the
once-ragtag-narco-armies (once had always been running away from the advancing Myanmar
Army) have truned the table and kicking Myanmar soldiers’s arses so bad that the
whole divisions, brigades, and battlions have been kneeling down and
surrendering wholesale to the advancing ethnics who are strongly supported by
the opportunistc China with massive weaponery and tens-of-thousands so-called ethnic
China seems to have more Wa, Plaungs, Kokangs, Kachins,
and Shans than the same ethnic tribes across-the-long-brder-line in Burma, and
what they need is just-change into the brand-spanking-new China-made uniforms
of UWSA, TNLA, MNDAA, KIA, and SSA respectively, picked-up brand-spanking-new Chinese
Type-61 assualt rifles from the nearest PLA-armouries and then cross the border
and fight the tragically-weakening Myanmar Army.
So what else could our stupid dictator Min Aung Hlaing do other than getting bayonet-fucked-in-the-arse-and–shot-in-the-head like Libyan Dictator Kadaffi or stabbed-in-the-throat-when-hanging-fails like Iraqi Dictator Sadam Hussein?
It is so tragic that just fourteen years ago in 2010 our once-badly-ruined-by-NeWin-Socialism Burma was taking baby steps towards democracy and slowly becoming free and prosperous under the guidance of same Myanmar Army under the former dictator the-old-wiseman Senior-General Than Shwe whose nick name was The-Book-Lover (Sar-phart-thu-gyee).
His wise dream
was to slowly let his absolute power go and to gradually turn Burma into a democracy.
He even built a brand-new Capital City (Nay-pyi-daw) with all the
infrastructure for democratic institutions such as the National Parliament
(Pyithu-Hluttaw) and the the Government House.
Than Shwe’s Dreamy Road-Map For Democracy in Burma?
Than Shwe’s grand
plan back then in 2008-2010 was quite simple. Draw a water-tight constitution guaranteeing
a quarter (25%) of all elected members of the Federal legislature and all State
and Division legislatures to be army officers to be appointed by the Army
Chief. The 2008 Constitution was born.
He then picked
up three most-senior generals Thein-Sein and Tin-Aung-Myint-Oo and Shwe- Mann
and forced them to retire from the Army and then appointed as the President and
the Vice-President of the coming quasi-civilian government and the Speaker of
the Federal Legislature (Pyithu Hluttaw) respectively.
He also promoted
two junior generals Min-Aung-Hlaing (born-1956) and Soe-Win (born-1958) as the
Army-Chief and Deputy-Chief with the plan for MAH to retire at the
official-pension-age of sixty in 2016 and transfer his army-chief position to
Was there a reason to pick those two junior generals
over other more senior and more qualified generals, for the two were not really
wellknown for their military capabilities other than Than-Shwe thought they
were absolutely loyal to him? He certainly thought wrong and found out his dire
(or even deadly) mistake only when MAH has shown him his true color just a few
years later!
Apparently Than-Shwe had a hidden intention to run the army from behind like what smart Lee-quan-yu did to his government as the Guiding-Senior-Minister in Singapore. Only later than Shwe found out his Burmese generals are as stupid as the greedly-starving mongrels once they have the taste of absolute power and its perks.
So Than-Shwe
went ahead with his grand plan and made Thein-Sein the President for first five
yeas from 2011 to 2015 and then Shwe-Mann for second five years from 2016 to
2020. He also made Min-Aung-Hlaing the Army-Chief till 2016 and then Soe-Win
after MAH has to retire in 2016 at age 60.
Thein-Sein and Min-Aung-Hlaing Screwed-up Than
Shwe’s Plan
Than Shwe’s plan
for his Burma was working very well for a while and the whole world was praising
Myanmar Army and its generals for the slow-and-smooth transition to democracy
for a few years till 2016, supposed to be the last year of first five-year-term
for Thein Sein.
Thein Sein dint want to go and he wanted a second
five-year-term but he was still afraid of Than Shwe and didn’t dare to ask him
to let him stay on as the president. So he bribed Min-Aung-Hlaing, now the
powerfull army chief to pull a trick on Than Shwe together with him. He offered
MAH to become the president for last two years of his second five-year term.
Only obstacle
for their cunning plan was that 1956-born-MAH had to retire in 2016 the
election year. So then President Thein Sein tried to change the law so that the
compulsory retirement age for all public servants could be rasied to 63 from
60. Thein Sein’s proposed-Law was overhelmly rejected by the Parliament, and
also Thein Sein’s ruling party USDP lost to ASSK’ opposition party NLD in 2016
General Election.
By then MAH has unilaterally raised the Army Chief’
retirement age to 65 from 60, and later tried to negotiate (with the
intimidating threat of Coup) with ASSK and her NLD to give him the presidency
in 2020 when ASSK and her opposition-party NLD won the 2020 General Election
with a landslide victory against Thein Sein’s ruing-party USDP. But ASSK and
NLD refused to give-in to his demand despite his threat of a coup.
So on
February-1, 2021 Senior General Min Aung Hlaing (aka the Mother-Fucker) staged
the Coup and put ASSK and almost every senior eaders of NLD in prisons, and the
rest is the sad history of brutal oppression and ruthless killings and jailings
of mass-scale all over the country when the Burmese people rise up and protest
last three years since the Coup.
The MOTHER-FUCKER Has Ruined Our Beautiful Burma
Burmese Army has
been fighting a word’s longest civil war against all the rebelling ethnic
tribes since 1948-Independence from the Brtitain. The exception was the Burmese
rebels from the Burmese Communist Party (BCP).
Being a atheist
Communist Party the BCP had serious difficulty attracting Buddhist Burmese so
they had to recruit ethnic tribes, like Wa and Kokangs and Kachins and
Palaungs, to fight Myanmar Army for them. BCP basically self-imploded when those
ethnic fighters starting to resent their Burmese Communist officers and
eventualy kicked them out of their ethnic lands.
All the major ethnic armies now fighting Myanmar
Army, such as UWSA and MNDAA and TNLA, all started from the remnants of those
Communist tribal armies. For decades those ethnic armies had to make peace with
Myanmar Army which basically allowed them to run their own narco-fiefdoms by
the bordeline. To keep a tight leash on the ethnics Myanmar Army has stationed
most of its fighting brigades and battalions in ethnic lands by the
Burmese are
nearly 75% majority in Burma and without popular Burmese support those ethnic
armies has had an uphill or totally impossible battle to kick the Myanmar Army
out of their native lands. But all that changed by the MAH’s 2021 Coup.
After the coup
the elected MPs from the NLD (National League for Democracy) formed the exile
government NUG (National Unity Government) together with the ethnic leaders.
NUG then established PDF (People Defense Force) with the Gen-Z Burmese Youths to
fight the universally-hated Myanmar Army.
Like back in the aftermath of failed 1988-Uprising,
thousands and thousands and thousands of Burmese youth fled into
ethnic-strongholds when the Myanmar Army started killing them in hundreds and
hundreds for actively participating in the Anti-Coup protests. The ethnic
armies gave them refuge and trained and armed them to fight the Myanmar Army.
Many thousands also joined newly-formed PDF units financed and armed clandestinely
by the CIA.
The serious adverse effect on the Myanmar Army by the fleeing Burmese youths is the dramatic reduction of new army recruits including the fewer officer candidates to DSA (Defense Services Academy) at Pyin-oo-lwin. Normally there were tens of thousands of DSA applicants every year but after the coup there are less than a thousand, for instead of fighting for Myanmar Army they proudly fight against the Myanmar Army.
Myanmar Army is
now facing a extstential threat as there are no new bloods to replenish the
deads, wounded, and deserters from the rapidly-worsening civil war caused by
that mother-fucker MAH’s stupid coup.
Burma itself
also is now facing the existential crisis as the victorious ethnic armies,
suddenly and unexpectedly reinvigorated by the coup-hating general public, are
winning every battle and gaining back their native lands previously occupied by
the brutally-oppressive Myanmar Army, and started re-establishing their own
fiefdoms on the border lands.
Even their
silent-backer Bully-China is overly-worried that Burma is breaking apart into
so many tiny pieces. China is now amassing a million-strong and nuclear-armed
PLA divisions on the border ready to invade Burma once their massive investments
(Especially the Trans-Burma Crude-oil and Natural-gas Pipelines) in Burma are
seriously threatened.
Mad-Little-Dictator is Trying to start the WW III
Like a mad mongrel
being pushed into a tight corner the Mad-Little-Dictator seems to have decided
to do a HITLER and drag Burma through BLOODs, GUTs, and MUDs all the way to his
sad end.
If he eventually
kills his family and commits a suicide like Hitler every Burmese and their dogs
will not shed a single tear for him and his hated-family, I believe. But he is
trying to get his good mate Putin involved in Burmese civil war and even known
to fancy a free nuclear bomb or two from Russia so that he could destroy
Rangoon and Mandalay and even the Naypyidaw as his bitter pay-back for his sad
That mad-man Putin has been threatening the whole world with a nuclear war over the failing Ukaraine Invasion and there is a possibility that he will fulfil Min Aung Hlaing’s pervert-desire for nuclear weapons to destroy his own people and also to start the Third-World-War.
save us Burmese for the Mad-Little-Dictator doesn’t believe in one as he is a
Crazy-Buddhist-fanatic and the Buddhists have no fear of God. The horrendous "Rape of Nanking" was committed by the Buddhist Japanese who also founded the Myanmar Army which has been committing mass-killings and gang-rapes on their own people last 80 odd years.
So, now is the
time for US and China to sit down together and seriously find a dead-sure way
to get rid of that mad Mother-fucker Min Aung Hlaing and save our Burma and the
world before too bloody late.