Saturday, October 19, 2024

Surrendered Myanmar Army Soldiers and Their Families?

(Translated staff article from the MNDAA’s KOKANG NEWS on 17 October 2024.)

Surrendered War-dogs: Officers at the front row.

After the Lashio City was liberated in last August by MNDAA the Kokang Army, thousands and thousands of Myanmar Army soldiers and their families had laid down their arms and surrendered to the MNDAA.

In accordance with MNDAA’s strict policy of treating the enemy soldiers, either captured or surrendered, with respect and dignity (even though they all are undeserving Myanmar Army war-dogs) our MNDAA has kindly returned most of the surrendered and their respective families to wherever they wanted to return.

Since August-6, MNDAA has steadily released most of them and sent them to secure places of their choice. But some families are still refusing to leave Lashio as their husbands or sons are still being detained as the POWs here in Lashio.

MNDAA does not pressure or force them to leave for humanitarian concerns and MNDAA has so-far provided them with suitable accommodation and foodstuff and healthcare daily here in Lashio. The following video contains the interviews with some of those families still refusing to leave the Lashio City. Now controlled by the MNDAA.

Following are the photos and video of all Myanmar Army families recently released by the MNDAA from the Lashio Prison where they were temporarily detained by the Kokang Army after their husbands and sons surrendered at the Northeaster Military Command (Ya-Ma-Kha) last August to the MNDAA.