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Dr. Maung Zarni. |
He then renounced his 14 years long political asylum in the United
States and returned to Burma with a great hope that his handler Khin Nyunt
would eventually become the top dog in Burma. Instead Khin Nyunt and the whole
MIS gang were purged by Senior General Than Shwe in October 2004 and Zarni
became the tree monkey without a branch to hang on.
Leaving Burma again he did another about-turn becoming a
sanctions-proponent again. But almost all of his followers led by Aung Din and
the funding donors had already abandoned him and formed rival Burma Campaign.
Since then Zarni has been a bitter Burmese exile without followers and genuine
funders like NED.
a Bitter Exile against Burmese including Daw Suu
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Daw Suu between Zarni & Prof. Kaldor at LSE. |
Zarni is so bitter now that he is even against our saint Daw Suu who has
abandoned her hardline stance against the ruling military class for the sake of
Burma and her people. She has made peace with reformist President ex-general
Thein Sein, accepted the 2008 Constitution, participated in the 2012
by-elections, and become basically the opposition leader of Burma.
But our Dr. Zarni appears to have a nasty grudge against Daw Suu at her seminar titled “Rule of Law” at LSE (London School of Economics) on 19 June 2012 during her historic visit to UK. Somehow he was on the discussion panel
sitting beside Daw Suu and he basically fired broadside salvos at Daw Suu’s
silence on the issue of Rohingyas as main issue and the Kachin War as a side
He even brought one of his sidekicks to raise the issues as the
questions from the floor. How obvious that was a pure ambush on our Daw Suu,
but Daw Suu’s graceful answer that she needed to find out more before condemning
the one side or the other had basically shut him up. Readers can watch the LSEvideo on YouTube and draw your own conclusion on that.
My question is why was
he on the panel that day as the so-called Burma expert? And what exactly was
his position as a Visiting Fellow? Visiting from where? Who is paying for his long
stay at prestigious LSE and giving him a seemimgly-legitimate position to
attack Burma and venerable Daw Suu? There are so many questions arose from that
LSE seminar and I’ll tackle that questions and find out the answers later.
Right now I want to highlight his nasty attacks on what is going on in
Burma, especially advocating for the rights of the so-called Rohingyas the illegal Bengali Muslims from
neighboring Bangladesh.
Popular ‘Buddhist’
racists Running Nazi Rally in Mandalay?
Following harsh excerpts
criticizing Burmese Buddhist monks were from the article “Popular Buddhist Racism and the Generals’ Militarism” Zarni recently
wrote in Saudi Arabia-funded DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma) run by another
traitor on the Islamists’ payroll Harn Yaung Nghwe from EBO (Euro Burma Office).
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Burmese Buddhist Monks protesting in Mandalay against the Islamization of North-Arakan. |
“As a Mandalay-born dissident with deep
roots in Buddhism, I find it revolting that thousands of Buddhist monks, human
rights dissidents and the public in my hometown of Mandalay staged an
anti-Rohingya rally this past weekend.
They mimicked the regime’s discourse that
promotes “national security” and “national sovereignty”, while espousing an
anachronistic view of blood-based citizenship as opposed to the notions of
multicultural citizenship.
Where has the vociferous human rights
rhetoric gone when it comes to the persecuted Rohingyas?
We listened in vain for the metronomic
chants of the saffron-robed monks who defied threats and flooded the streets of
Rangoon and other towns proclaiming their “loving kindness” for all sentient
beings in 2007. Now the very same monks chant mantras supporting
exclusive citizenship. When a mob protests against an ethnic group then, it is
no longer a citizens’ protest. It is a Nazi rally.
Around the world supporters of democracy in
Burma have been shocked by the “ethnic cleansing” of the Muslim Rohingyas in
the impoverished settlements of western Arakan (Rakhine) state. These are the
latest killing fields in a troubled land. Both perpetrators and victims tell of
hundreds of Rohingyas, including women and children, being killed, raped,
assaulted, detained and driven out by Burmese security forces.”
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A Nazi Rally, nothing like Burmese monks Protest! |
A Nazi Rally by a group of peacefully demonstrating
Buddhist monks! Ethnic Cleansing of Muslim Rohingyas in Arakan!
What harsh words coming out of a supposedly academic
and a Visiting Fellow (2011-2013) from the School of International Development
of the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE).
And here is a negative remark left by a Burmese
commentator on that post at the DVB site.
"From year 1,000
to middle of 18th century over 80 millions Buddhist in the Indian subcontinent
were slaughtered by the Muslims till the English came in and stopped it. And
that was the reason today Afghanistan, Pakistan, and some neighboring parts of
India are Buddhist-free.
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Bengali Muslim (Rohingya) Rioters in Maungdaw (2012). |
In May 1942
Bengali Muslims coming across from East Bengal (now Bangladesh) slaughtered all
100,000 odd Yakhine Buddhists living then in Maungdaw-Butheedaung District and
took their lands and fishing grounds. And that was the sole reason that area
now has 96% Bengali Muslims who are also desperately trying to reinvent
themselves as so-called Rohingyas.
Of course well
after trying unsuccessfully for many decades to detach North Arakan and merge
with the East-Pakistan (now Bangladesh).
And I am afraid
we Burmese Buddhists are losing battle against the relentless tides of Muslim
population explosion in Bangladesh. This is the life-or-death fight for our way
of life, our race, and our religion and Zarni the traitor on the payroll of
Islamists is shitting on his own people who are fighting for their survival.
Shame on you Zarni! Please don’t come home yet. You will not be
treated nicely."
Of course that comment lasted there only two days on DVB as
some cunt definitely a big shot at DVD didn’t like it and deleted.
My question is why is Dr. Zarni, a self-proclaimed religious
Buddhist from Mandalay the former royal capital of imperial Burma, suddenly writing
these vitriolic essays attacking his own race, religion, and culture?
To answer that question we have to find out who exactly is
financing Zarni’ three years time (2011-2013) at LSE as a Visiting Fellow, a lucrative post (worth almost half a million bucks US?) for a self-proclaimed Stateless-Burmese.
Zar Ni: The Traitor on Islamists's Payroll? (Part 1)
Zar Ni: The Traitor on Islamists's Payroll? (Part 3)
Zar Ni: The Traitor on Islamists's Payroll? (Part 1)
Zar Ni: The Traitor on Islamists's Payroll? (Part 3)